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2 weeks later

Nathan POV

"I think we have enough boxes."

I nod in agreement, "Let's start putting everything away because the faster you guys get home to me, the faster I get my alone time with you."

Trinity chuckles. "Wasn't the two weeks of us being together enough? Besides, aren't you sick of seeing this face every morning, already?"

I shake my head and make my way towards her. "I could never get sick of looking at a face just like yours. But, you need to get used to seeing my face every morning, because how else are we going to be able to live in our new home?"

She steps back in shock. "What?"

"Did I forget to mention I bought a house? Well, surprise!"

She huffs in disapproval, "Do you not realize I might want to take part in finding our home or want to at least pay some portion of the bill? You've known me almost a year now and you still can't get the fact I'm stubborn, especially when it comes to family. "

Trinity crosses her arms and lips pouted like a child, how cute.

"You know a simple thank you would be alright, maybe even an 'oh my god, Nathan you shouldn't have, this is amazing' then give me one of the biggest kisses ever. But it's cool, I'm fine. You're welcome, by the way."

I turn around and start putting the folded clothes into the boxes. I know I'm making Trinity feel bad, but thats the plan. She feels bad, gives me a kiss, we makeup, and boom another child on the way.


For now, Asher and Sadie are more than enough. I never thought having a child would be this much work, better yet, having two at the same time.

Trinity and I manage, though. She always ends up with Asher and I'm always with Sadilyn, and at night were all cuddled up on one bed.

Every morning I have opened my eyes for the past two weeks, my eyes are blessed to the sight of Trinity's drool on the pillow and a nest of hair. Asher, who snores beat both my grandparents combined, and Sadilyn, who's kicks are stronger than an experienced boxer.

But, I'm not complaining, I couldn't ask for anything better.

"Nathan, stop ignoring me!" Trinity shouts in agitation.

I ignore her once again and finally put the last of the pile of clothes in front of me into the box until something falls to the ground.

As I'm about to pick it up, Trinity puts her hands around my waist, which stops me from moving.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, her voice barely audible.

Yes, the plan is working.

"For what exactly?"

"For not being grateful. I love the fact that you're doing everything for us, but you know me too well to think I won't overreact."

I turn around and cup her face with my hands.

"Trinity, I love you. I love the kids. I love that we're finally a family. It's my job to worry about buying a new car, finding the perfect home, and carry the stress that I know you don't need. I understand that you would like to take part in decisions like that, and I love the fact that we can come to a conclusion together, but this time does forgive me because your mind has been so occupied and distracted for me to talk about this situation.

"I don't know if you remember, but last week I asked for your opinion on 4 different houses, and you replied with the exact same answer. So that puts me in a position where I'm not sure which one to go for because you called every one of the "great". So technically I did ask, you just didn't comprehend what was happening."

She closes her eyes and breaths out. "I didn't mean to act like that, I promise from now on my head will be in the game and the next time you ask a question, I'm all ears."

With that, I lean in and give her a kiss.

The kiss is sweet and simple. As Trinity is about to deepen it, I pull back causing her to groan in disapproval.

"I apologize for cutting such a fantastic moment, but let's finish up packing everything up. Once we're in our new house, you and I will be in the bedroom at it like rabbits."

She laughs and gets back to work.

I closed up the box that I was finishing up before Trinity distracted me, then crouch down to see what I had dropped.

It was the ring.

The ring I gave her on Christmas a few months back.

The one I wanted to propose to her with.

I pick it up and opened it.

Still there.

I sigh. "Trinity, can you come here please."

She quietly walks up behind me, and as she reached I say, "Please close your eyes."

"Why?" I sense hesitance in her voice.

"Don't worry, its nothing bad."

I give her a few seconds and turn around to see her doing as told.

I get down on one knee, and say, "you can open your eyes now."

She does so, and her eyes bulge up, looking as if they were about to fall out of their sockets.

"Trinity Marie Lancast, last Christmas I gifted you with this ring. If you hadn't noticed, I was going to propose to you using it, but I knew I had no chance because I thought you were in love with someone else. I thought wrong. We've only known one another for almost one year, but it feels like I've known you forever. We've known each other for barely 2 weeks, and you were carrying my children. Which now that I'm saying out loud is pretty fucked up, but besides that, you gave me the best gift of all, making me a father.

"I messed up really badly at the beginning, but it was to protect you. Although, at the same time, I should have come straight to you and explained myself. Yet, I didn't and I will forever regret that. Besides the point, I love you very much and will continue to do so until I die. I would promise you that I will never break your heart ever again, but I dont know what our future holds. Knowing me, I'm pretty I will make a mistake and shit will go down. So, will you do me the honor of being my wife, best friend, and partner in crime, until death do us apart?"

Trinity's face was streamed with tears, happy tears.

I hope.

She wastes no time crouching to my height and gives me a big smile.

"You've captivated my heart the moment I laid eyes on you, you made me feel loved after all I've been through. So, what gives the idea that id ever says no to such offer."

Without hesitation, I place my lips on hers.

She kissed back immediately with just as much force.

We slowly pull away from one another, coming back to reality.

I pick up her left hand and slip the ring onto it.

"I can wait to officially call you Mrs. Spark."



Its finally up.

Well, the first one.

I know I suck ass at writing kissing scenes, so no need to mention it, because im working on it.

Technically this book is OFFICIALLY done but Im making one more epilogue thats going to take place in the future 9as (as in years, not weeks).

I have no clue when that one will be uploaded, but it eventually will.

Last thing, were finally at 150K; a little more then that, but same shit.

Next goal 200K, because I know it wont be hard to reach it.

Thank you!**

**Sorry for any grammar mistakes.**

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