Chapter 1

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"Whoa!! " Beast boy said while being throw over Conner's shoulder.

Gar landed on his back and push his arms up.

"That was awesome!! Again!! " Gar said smiling at Conner who smile back.

"Beast boy take this serious. " Nightwing said but with a smile.

Gar laugh and back flip up and landed on his feets.

"Show off. " Conner said smiling at Gar who chuckle.

Nightwing rolled his eyes and rub Gar's hair. Gar laugh and push Dick's hand away. Conner smiled and heard a certain person foot steps. He look up to see the door open showing Robin aka Tim Drake with Impulse aka Bart Allen. Tim was laughing while Bart was pushing Tim. Conner watch Tim closely when Tim smile sweetly.

"Conner you okay. " Beast boy said looking at Conner with Dick behind.

"Huh. Oh yea I'm good. " Conner said nodding his head at them.

Tim notice the group and smile.

"Hey guys! " Tim wave with Bart smiling at Gar.

"Beast boy! " Bart said waving at him.

Beast boy smiled and wave back. Dick cross his arms and smile at Tim who smile back. Tim look at Conner and smile shyly at him but Conner turn his head away not noticing the hurt look that Tim made.

"Hey Conner can you bandage up Beast boy. He manage to injured his hand. " Dick said grabbing Beast boy right hand which he was hiding it from behind.

It was only a bruise and somehow Beast boy got that bruise. Gar smile shlyly and jump on Conner's back smiling at him. Conner sigh and walk away leaving behind a chuckling Bart and Tim. Beast boy look at the path they were going and finally made it to the medical room where Zatanna was wrapping Artemis hand.

"Oh hey guys. Let me guess Beast boy injured himself again. " Zatanna said smiling at Beast boy who groan and put his head on Conner's head.

Zatanna laugh and threw Conner the bandage who caught it while his other hand held Beast boy.

"Okay Beast boy off. " Conner said watching Beast boy get off his back and sit down on the chair.

Conner started wrapping up Beast boy's hand and was thinking about Tim. Remembering Tim smile that show kindness and charm.

'I'm idiot for looking away....' Conner though.

"Hey Conner. Why did you look away from Tim when he smile at you? " Beast boy said looking at Conner who was done wrapping his hand.

Conner look at the cabinet and put the bandage away.

"I don't know. Why you ask?" Conner said noticing that Zatanna and Artemis were gone.

" just that when you look away without even smiling back Tim look hurt. " Beast boy said playing with his fingers.

Conner look at Beast boy who was looking down.

"Really....I didn't mean to hurt him. " Conner said looking down.

Conner felt his heart crush knowing that he hurt Tim's feelings. Sure Conner knows that he starting to get feelings for Tim but he doesn't want to show it.

"I know you didn't. Just be careful around Tim. " Beast boy said getting up and smile at Conner. "Anyways I better head to the living room. M'gann waiting for me. "

Beast boy left not noticing Conner flinching when he heard M'gann name. Conner had his hands in a fist and growled quietly. Conner remember what M'gann tried doing to his mind and Conner wasn't comfortable of dating anyone anymore because he couldn't trust a person he would date ever again. Conner sigh and went to the door and when he open it he slam into someone making them both fall down.

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