Chapter 2

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Cassie was talking to Bart and Tim while Conner watch from a far. He was we listening to there conversations with his eyes were close and was leaning on the wall.

"Okay we have to make it perfect! " Cassie smiled at him and Bart who rolled there eyes.

"Yea we know Cassie. " Tim said while crossing his arms.

"But how are we gonna make it perfect. You know Jaime can tell something is wrong with a little help from the scarab. " Bart said looking at Tim and Cassie.

"That where you come in Bart. " Cassie smirk while Tim smiled.

"Uhh what do you mean by that??? " Bart said while blushing.

Conner raise a brow and listen to what Tim say.

"Bart come on. Jaime has a huge crush on you just like you have a crush on him too. " Tim smirk while Bart blush deep red.

Conner chuckle and shook his head. Seem like he isn't the only one that has a crush on the team. Conner didn't catch what Bart said to Tim but notice that Tim was blushing.

"Of shut up. Oh there Jaime. Go go!! " Tim said while jumping somewhere.

Cassie flew next to Conner who raise a brow at her while Bart look at Cassie who wave her hand. Conner watch bart act like he always does with Jaime and notice that Jaime was smiling sweetly to bart. Conner chuckle and shook his head getting Cassie attention. It was so obvious that Jaime had a crush on him, but poor Bart couldn't see it.

"What's so funny? " Cassie said with a brow up.

"Nothing. " Conner chuckle and watch Cassie smirk when she saw Jaime on the spot.

"Tim he on the spot. Do it now. " Cassie said on her communicator.

Conner listen closely and heard Tim say good. Then he notice the vent under Jaime and saw Tim openning it up from inside and carrying a bucket full of something that smell bad.

"Ughh what's that smell? " Conner said while covering his nose.

Cassie laugh and watch as Bart held Jaime's arm while Jaime was laughing at one of Bart's joke. Then Tim dump the bucket of sea weed on Jaime when Bart pulled back from him making Jaime scream. Cassie start laughing and Bart gasp but was laughing too. Conner couldn't help but join in too.

"¡Hijo de puta! ¡Voy a matarte! Puta de mierda !! Esto huele ! " Jaime cursed in Spanish but didn't notice his hand turning into a sonicwave gun.

Conner and Bart notice Jaime hand and gasp.

"JAIME NO!! " both Conner and Bart scream.

"Khaki Da stop!! " Jaime yelled but was to late when it pointed at the vent where Tim was at.

Tim eyes went wide and cover himself for the blast but didn't felt any he only heard a grunt.

"Conner!?! " Tim gasp when he saw Conner covering him.

Conner smiled and pulled Tim out and landed on the ground holding Tim in a bridle style. Tim look at Jaime and saw him shaking and holding his hands to his chest with Bart next to him.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to! " Jaime said looking at Tim and Conner.

"Jaime it's okay. No one got hurt. " Cassie said looking at Jaime.

"It was our fault. We didn't know this would happen! " Tim said getting off Conner and looking at Jaime. "We should be the ones apologizing. "

Conner look at Tim and back at Jaime who was looking down while Bart was rubbing his back and telling him that it wasn't he fault. Conner move Tim aside softly and walk up to Jaime.

"Conner? " Tim said watching Conner walk to Jaime.

Bart look up and step in front of Jaime making Jaime gasp.

"Conner it wasn't he fault!! " Bart said looking at conner.

"Bart. " Conner said to Bart.

Bart look at Jaime and back Conner and nod. Bart went to Jaime side to help Jaime calm down. Jaime look at conner and thought that he was going to yell at him.

"Jaime it's alright. You knew that it was a prank but the scarab didn't. I don't blam the scarab for attacking. It must have caught him by surprise. The good thing is that no one got seriously hurt. " Conner smiled at Jaime while putting his hand on Jaime shoulder.

"Y-yea..again I'm truly sorry. " Jaime said looking at Conner who nod.

Bart, Cassie, and Tim smiled when Conner pull back from Jaime.

"Anyways you three better clean this up before Nightwing gets here. " Conner said and look at Tim the most. "I don't want him to get you guys in trouble. "

Tim blush and watch Conner leave the room and rub his arm. Cassie nudge Tim making him gasp and watch Cassie smirk.

"Ohhh you have it hard for him! " Cassie said looking at Tim who blush more red.

"Shut up Cassie! " Tim said pushing her.

Cassie laugh and pointed at Bart and Jaime making Tim look. Bart chuckle at Jaime who pulled sea weed off his wet hair and threw it at Bart's hair making them both laugh. Tim smiled and went to help them pick the sea weed up.

"Again I'm sorry Tim. Even khaji da sorry too. " Jaime said smiling at Tim who wave at Jaime.

"It's okay Jaime. No harm done. " Tim said grabbing a sea weed.

"Yea Jaime. Anyways least talking more cleaning! " Cassie said while throwing a sea weed at Tim who yelp.

"Cassie! " Tim yelled making her laugh.

They finish cleaning the sea weed and Jaime went to take a shower to take the smell off.

"Shower two times and scrub really hard!! " Cassie yelled watching Jaime wave his hand.

"Yea yea mom! " Jaime yelled back and disappear in the hall.

Tim laugh and watch Bart walk to him

"So your knight in shinning armor save you. How does it feel hmm? " Bart nudge Tim with Cassie smirking at Tim too.

"To be honest...nice. I have some weird feeling in my stomach too. " Tim said blushing.

Cassie squeal and grab Tim's hands.

"Aww you have butterfly in your stomach. You soooooooooo have a crush on Conner! " Cassie yelled while flying up.

Tim blush while Bart chuckle.

"Yea....I do. " Tim whisper while holding his hands together.

~Spanish Translation~

Hijo de puta! ¡Voy a matarte! Puta de mierda !! Esto huele ! = Motherfucker! I'll kill you! Fucking bitch !! This smells!

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