Chapter 25

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Bruce and Barry were pushing Clark and Hal forward with Conner and Jaime in front. Herua was walking behind with her high heels tapping the floor. Bart and Tim were busy putting the other heroes away in the cell.

"I find it hilarious how people would do anything to save their love ones. Quite funny. " Herua laugh while shaking her head.

Clark glare at her while Hal rolled his eyes at her. Bruce shove Clark making him trip but caught himself from falling.

"Anyways. Well handle you and your little side kicks. Don't worry darlings I haven't forgot about you two. "Herua smirk while looking at Jaime and Conner who glare at her deadly.

"Where are you taking us. " Conner growled while looking around.

Herua chuckle and pointed up ahead.

"Somewhere where the people could see you fall. That no hero can save them from my control. " Herua smiled and walk ahead of them while Bruce and Barry held them back.

Clark watch Herua walk forward out of ear shot and turn to Bruce and Barry.

"Bruce snap out of it. We need you back now. " Clark whisper while Bruce look at Clark.

"It's no use Superman. They won't listen. They're only thought is hated and sorrow. " Conner said looking at Bruce eyes that only shown sorrow and sadness.

"The only way to let them free is letting me touch them to let the scarab antibodies go inside them and attack the bug. " Jaime said making Conner nod.

Conner look at Herua who was yelling at the people saying that she had defeated Superman and Wonderwoman. She was also holding Diana's headband and Clark's cape.

"How do you know it won't hurt them. " Hal said looking at Barry who had sadness and hate in his eyes.

"It won't. We done it to Impulse and Robin when they got infected. " Jaime said making Conner nod.

Conner gasp when Clark and Hal were grab by their arms and drag to Herua who was smirking in pure evil.

"Watch you pathetic people! I will kill Superman and Green Lantern with this little bugs of my if you don't listen to me!! "Herua yelled looking at the people gasp in horror.

Conner growled and tried getting lose but couldn't. Jaime hands were tied up tight and had Cassie's lasso around his hands.

"We have to stop her! " Conner growled watching Herua talk to the people on how powerful her bugs are.

"How. We can't get lose from Batman and the Flash. Even if we do how are we going to make it to them on time? " Jaime said trying to move his hands but only making the lasso tight.

"I- " Conner got interrupt when they heard a scream and loud exploding sound.

Conner and Jaime watch as Barry and Bruce ran to their leader outside. Conner ran to the fire that was being hang and held the rope close to it. Conner then ripe the ropes and ran to Jaime to get the lasso off his hands. Once that was complete they heard a other explosive and watch as Clark and Hal fly to them.

"What happen!!?? " Conner said looking at Clark who grab him and flew to the cells.

Jaime and Hal were behind Clark who were firing at the guards that were after them.

"Before Herua could place the bugs on us there was an explosive in her kingdom and one was thrown to her but the Flash saved her before she was hurt from the blast. We were then release by your friend, White fox. "Clark said looking at Conner and Jaime.

Jaime smiled while Conner nod. Kontar was able to find White fox and tell her what happen to her friends.

"She's not alone. Aquaman and Mera is here too. " Hal said blasting at a demon guard down.

Conner eyes went wide and look at Clark who nod. They finally made it to the cells which was alone. They saw their friends and Clark use his heat vision to break the bars. They were broken and Diana smiled.

Oliver ran to Dinah who smile at Oliver and accept his hand.

"I'm okay. " Dinah said smiling but still felt weak just like Diana.

"Why weren't you able to break the bars Wonder woman. " Clark said looking at Diana who growled.

"That blasted Herua stole our powers from us. She only took my and Dinah powers. Cassie was still unconscious while they took Zatanna with the others. " Diana said while grabbing her lasso and sword from the wall. Artemis grab her bow and arrows just like Oliver. Dick grab his stick and Wally was next to Artemis rubbing her back.

"Hey will get Zatanna back. " Wally said making Artemis nod.

Conner and Jaime ran to Cassie who was groaning and Conner helped her up. Cassie smiled and look at the others who were already ready.

"Here. You'll need this. " Jaime said giving Cassie her lasso.

Cassie smirk and nod her head. Clark told everyone what happen while they were heading out. Diana smirk and nod her head at Hal and Clark. Once they got outside the kingdom they saw war out there.

"Get the people to safety!! " Aquaman yelled while pointing his trident to the people.

Arthur smiled when he saw Clark and Diana running to him.

"Superman!Wonder woman! We came here to save you. Seem like the white spirit have already. " Arthur said looking the Young Justice group running behind.

"How is everything going Arthur. " Dinah said looking at Arthur's people fight the dark magic.

Arthur was about to answer until he heard a loud crash.

"I am going to kill you!!!! "

Conner and everyone else look where the scream came from. Arthur including Jaime and Conner gasp when he watch Mera be thrown but White fox caught her in the air and teleported to the ground.

"Thank you. " Mera said smiling sweetly at White fox who smile.

"I should have know. I WILL KILL YOU THE MOST!!! " Herua yelled in anger and slam her hands on the ground.

Mera wasn't behind and raise her hands pulling all the water around them with her eyes glowing blue.

Then everything shoke.

A/N: YAAAAYY MERA IS HERE!!! I love Mera so much. She like my favorite female hero ever!! White fox adores her.😆😆

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