Chapter 17

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~Conner P.O.V~

Cassie and Bart were playing Bingo while Tim was calling the numbers. Me and Jaime just watch from a far while eating some sandwiches that Cassie made and surprising they were good.

"I know what your thinking and you better stop! My cooking is AMAZING!! " Cassie yelled while marking a number.

Me and Jaime chuckle. Everything been good for me and Tim and I wouldn't ask nothing better than being with Tim. Tim look up at me making me smile at him. He smile back with a blush and called out a other number. I still haven't told Tim or Bart about what M'gann did to me and why I broke up with her. Cassie still protective of me whenever M'gann pass by and Jaime always gets ready if she tries anything stupid. I sigh and took a bite from my sandwich until I heard the door slide open showing.......oh great just my luck. Cassie look up and glare at M'gann who was laughing with Zatanna who was smiling.

"Oh Cassie! " Zatanna smiled and went to Cassie to give her a hug.

M'gann glare at Tim who tried to look anywhere else but her because he started to become uncomfortable whenever she was around and glaring at him. I was about to go to Tim side but Bart did it for me making me smile at him who smile and nod back.

"What are you doing here Zatanna didn't you have a someplace to go to. " Cassie said to Zatanna who smile.

"Yeah but I need some of my amazing friends help. " Zatanna smile at everyone in the room.

"What happen. " Cassie said making Zatanna sigh.

" I couldn't take Artemis with me because she had a test to take. " Zatanna pout while crossing her arms.

Tim, and Bart chuckle while me and Jaime laugh at Zatanna.  She wave at us and look at M'gann who had her arms cross.

"Okay Zatanna will help. " Tim said while smiling at her.

Zatanna smiled and hug Tim who smile and pat her back. Me and Jaime jump off our seats and went to stand next to our boyfriends. I caught a glace of M'gann watching me and going back to looking at Zatanna. She planning something.....but what?

"So. When do we leave. " Cassie smiled while getting her fist out.


"I hate this mission. " Cassie said while crossing her arms.

Tim look at Cassir and shook his head and look at Zatanna who was casing a spell.

"Okay guys. We have to be careful. These people stole from my home and took things from me. " Zatanna said while looking at us.

I nod my head and look at Bart who smile at Jaime. M'gann was close to me making Cassie and Jaime look at her 24/7 making sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Tim and Bart just look ahead ignoring M'gann. Zatanna smiled and open the door slowly and step inside with us following behind.

"It's empty. " Tim said looking around while seeing boxes inside the warehouse.

Zatanna frown and look around the warehouse seeing nothing.

"But the theifs left a trail of my powder all the way here. " Zatanna said while looking around then I heard Tim's heart beat go fast.

"IT'S A TRAP!! " Tim yelled making all of gasp when the lights went off.

~Third P.O.V~

The lights went off and Conner grab Tim just like Jaime did to Bart. Cassie grab Zatanna while M'gann stood her ground. Then one light went on showing a mental box with the cloth lady next to it.

"Hello hero's. Did you really think you wouldn't see me again. " The cloth lady chuckle while petting her black and red sabertooth tiger who was now standing next to her.

Tim and Bart eyes went wide and shook while Conner, Jaime, Cassie, and Zatanna stood in front of them. M'gann only watch Tim tremble while thinking of something.

"What do you want!? " Zatanna yelled while Cassie got her rope out just like Jaime getting his plasma gun out.

The lady chuckle while touching her pet.

"My friend here was getting half a meal from you two friends. And I need them to fill my baby. " the cloth lady said while looking at the hero's.

Cassie growled and stomp her foot.

"In your dreams lady!! " Cassie yelled while watching The cloth lady.

"Dreams are for the weak my dear. " The lady said and jump on top of her saber who jump onto the mental box and open it up.

Cassie, Zatanna, Conner, and Jaime gasp in horror when a tons of bugs came out and crawled straight towards them. Cassie grab Zatanna who yelp while Conner grab Tim and jump up to a railing and Jaime grab Bart and flew up. M'gann flew up and landed on the railing where Conner, and Tim were at.

"Conner we need to get out of here!! Now!! " Cassie yelled while watching the bugs build themself up.

"Ekam na tixe!! " Zatanna cast a spell and watch as the roof open up for them.

"There's our exit let's go!! " Conner yelled making everyone nod. "Let's go everyone! "

Cassie flew up with Zatanna and Jaime carrying Bart. Conner grab Tim and jump out with M'gann behind. They were standing on the edge of the exit and Zatanna gasp when the bugs were moving fast.

"Zatanna get us out of here!!! " Bart yelled while hugging Jaime.

"Esolc eht tixe tuhs dna tropelet su kcab emoh!!! " Zatanna yelled.

"Not everyone. " M'gann growled and push Conner back making him gasp.

Cassie, Bart, and Jaime watch in horror when M'gann push Tim into the exit making Tim gasp while trying to reach Conner's hand when Conner push M'gann back and try reaching for Tim.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!! " Cassie, Bart, and Jaime said with their eyes wide.

"TIMM!!! " Conner scream in horror and got teleported away from the scene.

Zatanna was crying and had her hands over her mouth while Bart was shaking and crying too. Jaime and Cassie were glaring deadly at M'gann who had a smile on her face but she gasp when she was shove to the wall by Cassie.

"You!!! " Cassie yelled while Conner was on the floor with his fist on the floor.

My little RobinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora