Chapter 7

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Tim was healing slowly and well at his mansion. Alfred always brought tea or food for Tim and making sure he was comfortable. Bart and Cassie would always visit him and they would tell him how Mount Justice was and all. They even told him about the chat they had with Conner. When Bart offer the Luna berries to Tim, he didn't want to eat them because he wasn't comfortable with his body healing so fast.

When Tim was able to walk Bruce was acting like a "Mother hen" to Tim. Dick always made sure that Tim never did anything stupid or dangerous around the mansion.

"Bruce can I please go to Mount Justice with Dick. " Tim beg to Bruce who was in the bat cave on his computer.

Tim had been asking Bruce or Dick if he could go to Mount Justice when he started walking but they always said no because they were worried that he might get himself hurt over there.

"Tim. " Bruce said looking at Tim while pulling his cowl back showing his face.

"Please. I just want to see my friends. " Tim said looking at Bruce.

"Sir, Master Tim does deserve to see his friend to let them know he alright and well. " Alfred said while standing behind Tim.

Bruce sigh and nod at Tim.

"Very well. Just be careful. Dick! Tim going with you! " Bruce yelled while watching Dick yell what.

Tim smile and turn around.

"Thanks Alfred! Your the best! " Tim hug Alfred and went to change into his Robin suit.

Alfred smile and walk away to get tea for Bruce.

~Mount Justice~

Bart was playing cheese with Garfield on the floor near the Zeta tube. Bart was about to make a move until he heard the computer saying code names.

"B01-Nightwing, B20-Robin. " the computer said making Bart and Gar look at the Zeta tubes.

Dick smile and wave at them while Tim smile.

"Bart! Gar! " Tim smiled and was about to run to them but groan.

"Tim take it slowly. You ribs aren't fully heal. " Dick said putting a hand on Tim shoulder.

Tim smile and saw Bart and Gar running to him smiling.

"Tim your okay! " Gar said about to hug Tim but Dick put a hand out stopping Gar.

"Sorry beast boy. Tim still healing so you have to be careful with him. " Dick said making Tim roll his eyes.

"Dick I'm not a fragile doll. Go see Wally or something. I'm just gonna see the team. " Tim said and walk down with Bart next to him and Gar following behind.

Tim sigh and smile at Bart who smile back.

"So do you want the good news or the really really good news? " Bart said smiling at Tim who raise a brow.

"Uh no bad news? " Tim chuckle while looking at beast boy run next to them and shift into a finger monkey holding on Tim shoulder.

Bart chuckle and shook his head.

"No bad news. Now choose! " Bart said looking at Tim who chuckle.

"Okay okay. Good news first. " Tim smile and watch Bart smile.

"Okay some of the team have gone off to a mission leaving Cassie, Wally, beast boy, and Jaime. " Bart smile looking at Tim who raise a brow.

"Okay and the other one. " Tim said looking at Bart who smiled.

"The really really good news is that Conner is here too. Will buy you guys time to chit chat while Wally distract Dick. " Bart said looking at Tim who blush with wide eyes.

"Conner stay behind! Omg ugh do...I mean..Oh god. " Tim said while pulling his hair back.

Its been weeks since he haven't seen Conner and Tim was nervous to see his crush/friend again. Tim nod and watch Bart nod at Gar who nod back and shifted into a humming bird and flew off. Tim and Bart went to see Cassie and Wally who smiled and hug Tim gently.

"Ohh it's soo good to see your okay. I hope Bart told you what we plan. " Cassie smirk at Tim who smile and nod.

Wally smirk and wave bye at Tim and Bart and took off to look for Dick. Cassie smiled and heard the other door slide open.

"Beast boy what's so important to make me and Jaime stop training. " Conner said while looking at Beast boy who was smiling.

Conner look up making his eyes go wide. Tim blush and smile at Conner while waving at him. Jaime smiled and went to Bart side who smile too.

"Hey. " Tim said softly watching Conner hand become a fist but was soon release

"Hi. " Conner said only looking at Tim.

Tim then heard the door slide shut and saw that Conner and him where alone. Great. Tim sigh and went to sit down but hiss while sitting down making Conner go to him fast.

"You okay? " Conner said worried while helping Tim sit.

Tim smile and nod his head. Conner sat down looking at Tim and then look down.

"I'm sorry...." Conner said looking at Tim sadly.

"Why are you apologizing? " Tim said looking at Conner.

"Tim. I harm you. I broke...your ribs with my hands. " Conner said looking at his hands and closing them into a fist.

"No that wasn't you! " Tim said grabbing Conner hands with his. "Conner that was Grodd. He had you in control. I know that you would never harm me ever. "

Tim put his hand on Conner cheek making Conner look at him.

"I'm dangerous to be around regular people...around you. I was a lab experiment to become a...a..weapon. " Conner said looking at Tim.

Tim took his mask off and put both his hands on Conner cheek and made Conner look at him.

"Conner. You are not a dangerous person or a weapon. You are a human being. You be who ever you want to be and you don't let anyone take advantage on what you want to do. This. " Tim move his left hand to his chest. "Wasn't you. It was Grodd that did this. Your my friend Conner and I care for you to much. So please forgive yourself. "

Conner look at Tim's blue eyes getting deeply lost in those beautiful eyes. Conner then grab Tim cheeks and kiss Tim on his lips. Tim eyes went wide but then close them while moving his hands to Conner's shoulder. Conner started deeping the kiss but pulled back and got up fast.

"I-I'm sorry. I got to go. " Conner said leaving the room.

"Conner wait! Ughh. " Tim groan while holding his rib.

Tim watch Conner leave and sigh in sadness. Cassie, Jaime, and Bart saw Conner running and look at each other worried and went to the living room to see Tim wiping tears off his eyes. Bart gasp and went to Tim side holding Tim close.

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