Chapter 9

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"Catch Tim! " Bart yelled while throwing a blue diamond at Tim who caught it.

Captain Cold growled and freeze the ground making Bart slip on the ice and crash into Jaime who caught him and protected him from the crash. Cassie growled and look at Captain Cold.

"No one harms my friends!! " Cassie growled and flew to Captain Cold but was hit by a fire blast but she manage to block it by her bracelet.

Heatwave smirk while Cassie growled. The ice melted when Heatwave fire again only to miss. Tim held the blue diamond close and jump over a cold blast from Captain Cold. Tim then threw his smoke bombs at Captain Cold making him gasp when they exploded on his face. Jaime smirk and point his sound wave gun at Captain Cold and fire making him go down. Heatwave was fighting Cassie who was blocking each blast with her bracelet.

"Wondergirl let's finish this! " Bart dash next to her holding her lasso.

Cassie smirk and nod her head.

"Let's do it. " Cassie said grabbing her lasso and flying up.

Bart dash around Heatwave who was trying to blast Bart but couldn't. Then Cassie threw her lasso when Heatwave was distracted by Bart and let the end drop to Bart once Heatwave was caught. Bart grab the end and dash around Heatwave fast making the lasso turn around him. Then Bart stop next to Cassie with his arms cross.

"Were awesome. " Cassie said making a fist for Bart to bump with his.

Tim laugh while Jaime tied Captain Cold in a rope that Tim found near by. Tim smile and look down at the blue diamond that they save.

"Robin to Nightwing mission accomplished. Captain Cold and Heatwave capture and ready to be pick up. " Tim said on his communicator.

"Great job guys. Pick up on your way. Nightwing out. " Dick said making Tim nod.

Soon police came and took the bad guys off the hero's hands. Tim smile when they gave the diamond back to the museum owner who smile and thanked the hero's. Cassie smiled and watch the owner go back inside the museum with the diamond.

"Were we awesome or what!!! " Cassie yelled while hugging her friends.

Jaime and Bart laugh while Tim rolled his eyes.

"Yea Cassie were awesome. Come on we better head back to Mount Justice. " Tim said fixing his mask.

Cassie smirk and put a arm around Tim shoulder and poke his face.

"Ohh someone wants to see his Kryptonian boyfriend so badly. " Cassie smirk and raise her eye brows.

"Why are we friends. " Tim said while looking at Cassie who pinch Tim cheeks.

"Cause you love me more than your Conner. " Cassie said and laugh when Tim push her.

Bart and Jaime laugh while Jaime had his arm around Bart waist. They were walking back to a hidden zeta tube but they were walking the long way because Cassie wanted Conner to wait. Bart was close to Jaime watching Cassie make fun of Tim who was groaning and looking at Bart and Jaime for help.

"Guys...." Tim said watching Bart laugh and Jaime shrug.

"Alright Wondergirl. Stop. Leave Robin alone. " Jaime said pulling Cassie who groan.

"Party pooper. " Cassie said and look at Bart and Tim to gasp. "MOVE!!! "

Cassie push Bart and Tim out the way of being shoot and block the bullets with her bracelet. Cassie growled and look around to only see no one around. Jaime was looking too asking the scarab who didn't know who shoot.

"We better hurry. Come on! " Jaime said grabbing Bart's hand and Cassie grabbing Tim's hand.

They ran to the zeta tube making sure they weren't follow. They were back at Mount Justice and Cassie ran to Nightwing who smile at them just to frown when Cassie had a serious look.

"What happen? " Dick said looking at Cassie.

"Someone tried shooting us but it was mostly pointed at Tim and Bart. " Cassie said looking at Dick.

Tim and Bart went behind Cassie while Jaime was next to Cassie.

"What!? Who tried shooting at you guys. " Dick said looking at Tim and Bart.

"Wait who tried shooting who? " Conner said with Wally behind.

"Someone open fire at Tim's team but it was mostly pointed at Tim and Bart. " Dick said watching Wally gasp and dash to Bart to check on him.

Conner look at Tim worried and Tim smile softly at Conner while whispering that he was fine.

"I'll tell Batman. For now be on the look out and don't be alone. " Dick said looking at Tim, Bart, Cassie, and Jaime.

When Dick and Wally left Conner rush to Tim side and held Tim face close to look at him closely.

"Are you sure your okay. " Conner said looking at Tim carefully.

"Yea. I'm fine Conner. " Tim smile sweetly at Conner.

Conner smiled and kiss Tim softly but raise a brow when he felt weight on him.

"Yup cause I SAVE him. Me. Wondergirl. " Cassie said pointing her thumbs at herself. "Including Bart. "

Jaime and Conner rolled there eyes at Cassie.

"Really Cassie. Are you sure your powers aren't ruining moments. " Conner said hugging Tim while glaring at Cassie.

"Ow that hurts. Tim make the bad Kryptonian go away. " Cassie said looking at Tim.

Tim laugh and push Cassie who gasp and threw herself at Bart.

"I been rejected twice! Bart you'll love me right. " Cassie whine making Bart laugh and Jaime glare at her.

Tim smile and hug Conner arms who was snuggling close to Tim neck. Tim laugh and look at Conner.

"I'm really worried about what happen thou. " Tim said looking at Conner who nod.

"Yea. Hearing what happen I'm concerned about that too. " Conner said looking at Bart being hug by Cassie while Jaime was reaching for Bart but Cassie had her foot on his chest.

"Yea...hope it won't infect our friendship and relationship. " Tim said looking at Conner who smile and nod.

"Yea me too. " Conner said and kiss Tim who smile and kiss back.

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