Chapter 4

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"Wait wait!! " Cassie yelled while watching Hal blasted a alien from attacking Cassie.

"Be careful Wondergirl or Wonder woman well kill me! " Hal yelled while making a shield in front of Barry who smiled and nod his head.

Cassie sigh and punch the alien who was getting up. Conner growled and threw a alien into a old building watching it crumble on top of it. Tim jump over two aliens and threw his ranges at their backs and rolled away to hear his ranges exploded. Bart smiled and high five Tim who smile.

"Dude what is with these aliens and attacking earth? " Bart said while looking at his grandpa speed punch a alien and dash away.

"Don't know. Seem like were popular. " Tim shrug and fired his grappling hook to a building.

Bart dash back and Tim flew away when a old trunk flew to there spot. Wolf threw a alien to the other side making it crash into a window.

"Impulse on me! " Barry yelled making Bart smile.

"On my way Flash!! " Bart yelled and dash to his grandpa who was running in circles.

Jaime and Hal smirk knowing what their best friends are planning.

"Guys throw the aliens in the speed tornado!! " Jaime and Hal yelled at the same time.

Everyone nod and threw each alien to the tornado. Once all the aliens were in Hal made a cage and open the gate.

"Now!!! " Hal yelled watching the speedsters throw all the aliens in the cage.

Barry smile and caught Bart before he fell.

"That..was..crash! " Bart said with each breath.

Barry smiled and look at Hal who was flying in front of them.

"I better take these guys to Oa. Blue Beetle on me just to make sure these guys don't try anything stupid. " Hal said looking at Jaime who nod.

Jaime smile and wave at his friends and follow Hal. Bart sigh and look at Barry who chuckle.

"Come you Lil speedster. Let's get you some food and water. " Barry smiled warmly and wave bye to the group.

Cassie chuckle and press her communicator.

"Nightwing we accomplish the mission. Blue went with green lantern to turn in the aliens in Oa and Impulse with the Flash. " Cassie said to Dick.

"Good job team. Cassie head back to HQ for a other mission. " Dick said making Cassie groan.

Cassie told Conner and Tim that she was leaving making them nod back. Then she took of back to HQ. Conner sigh and look at Tim who was looking around the abonden town with interest. Conner smiled and started walking with Wolf behind.

"C-conner where are you going?! " Tim question while running next to him.

"I'm going to explore this town. Care to join me? " Conner said with a smile.

Tim blush and nod his head while petting Wolf head who nuzzle closer to Tim touch. Conner chuckle and look ahead.

"So where should we start? " Conner ask Tim who look at Conner then around the town.

Tim the notice a old amusement park sigh and smile.

"Let's check that out. " Tim said smiling at Conner who nod.

They walk the way to the park and saw a huge gate with a lock on the entrance. Tim was about to take out his grappling hook but was pick up by Conner in a bridle style and jump over the gate with Wolf behind.

"You do know I could have use my grabbling hook Conner. " Tim smile with a blush and Conner smirk.

"Didn't want you too. " Conner said while putting Tim down and walk ahead.

Tim was shock and blushing deep red now.

'Was he flirting??!! ' Tim thought while biting his finger.

"Tim come on or do you want me to carry you. " Conner said with a smirk again making Tim blush more red.

"Uhh n-no I'm good. " Tim said and ran to Conner side.

Conner smiled and continue walking ahead. They finally saw some rides, booths, and buildings.

"Wow. Why would they abonden such a place. " Conner question watching Wolf take off running.

"Well for many thing but for this place...a threat I guess. " Tim said while typing on his hologram computer.

Conner raise a brow and shook his head. They went to each booths seeing toys, teddy bears, and equipment inside the booths. Conner then saw the rides and smile. He was smiling because there was a carousel that still had power. Tim gasp when he saw it too and smile.

"Wow. This is amazing. Who would have thought this would still work after being abonden. " Tim said while looking at the ride.

Conner smirk and grab Tim from behind making him gasp and put him on a white horse on the carousel. Tim held on the pole and raise a brow at Conner who chuckle and press the button to make the ride move. Tim gasp and held onto the pole and watch Conner jump on the ride with balance and jump on the black horse which was next to Tim. Tim laugh and look around while the ride went around playing a sweet tune. Conner just watch Tim who was smiling and blushing. Wolf jump on the ride and sat on the sled in front of Conner and Tim making them laugh.

"Wow even Wolf want to have fun. " Tim chuckle and look at Conned who smiled.

"Yea. " Conner said leaning his head on the pole and looking at Tim who blush and look away with a smile.

'Yea...I pretty much in love with Tim. He always smiles and make things bright just like Bart...ha probably Bart taught him that. ' Conner thought while chuckling and notice that the ride stop.

Tim smile and felt hands around his waist. He look to his right and saw Conner who smile. Tim got down the horse with Conner help and smile.

"Thanks. " Tim said blushing while looking away.

"No problem. " Conner said putting his hand on Tim's cheek making Tim look at Conner.

Conner was leaning in making Tim closing his eyes. They're lips almost touching.

"BARK! " Wolf bark making Conner sigh and pull back.

Tim open his eyes and blush deep red again. He look at Conner who was petting Wolf and sigh.

"Come on. Lets explore more before we get called in. " Conner said looking at Tim with a smile.

Tim smile and nod back. They went back to see if any rides work with there elbows touching.

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