Chapter 20

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Everyone was awake and kinda sleepy still. Conner and the team went back to Mount Justice with Tim. White fox order them to go back and that she'll see them there to explain everything. Dick hug Tim when he saw Conner holding Tim in his arms. Wally smiled while Zatanna was crying in happiness that Tim was alright. They took Tim to the medical room and lay him down on the bed.

"It's a good thing you guys came early in the morning. Dick was about to call Batman and tell him everything. " Artemis said while fixing her bow.

Zatanna and Wally nod making Tim sigh.

"It's a good thing then. Anyways....where M'gann? " Tim ask softy while looking around.

Artemis and Cassie hiss while Conner growled. Jaime glare at the wall while Bart and Zatanna were looking at each other.

"She left with Beast boy. We don't know where. " Zatanna said looking at Tim who nod.

"Okay let's change the subject! " Cassie said while smiling at Tim. "Were just glad your okay and alive. "

Tim smiled and nod his head while Conner sat next to Tim and put his arm around Tim waist softy letting Tim put his head on Conner's chest.

"Okay. We better let you rest some more Tim. Come on guys I am starving! " Cassie said while putting a arm around Bart who rolled his eyes.

"I'm the speedster here and some how your starving. " Bart chuckle with Jaime chuckling behind.

"Oh stop laughing Jaime! " Cassie shout making Conner and Tim laugh.

Conner sigh and put his head on Tim's hair. Tim smiled softly at Conner who was wrapping his arm's around Tim softly and pulling him close.

"I really thought I lose you Tim. " Conner said sadly with his eyes close.

Tim look at Conner sadly and put his hands on Conner cheek.

"Oh Conner. I am so sorry. " Tim said but Conner shook his head.

"No don't apologize. It's me who should apologize. I let you down....I couldn't save you on time........I couldn't protect you...." Conner snob while letting his tears fall down.

Conner had never cried in front of anyone not even M'gann. He rather hide it then show it. Tim look at Conner and pulled him into a hug ignoring the pain he was getting from his back.

"Conner. Never. Ever. Say that again.  We didn't know that was going to happen. We can't tell the future but we can face them together. " Tim said softly while rubbing Conner's hair.

Conner nod with a sob while wiping away some tears. Tim smiled and kiss Conner head softly.

"Conner come on. Get some rest. " Tim smiled when Conner put him on top of his chest and holding Tim close.

Tim smiled and yawn softly and finally let his eyes close.

~1 hour later~

Bruce open the door of the medical room just to see Conner holding Tim close and protectly. Bruce smile softly and close the door and bump into Clark who smile softly at Bruce.

"Are they okay? " Clark ask watching Bruce nod.

"Yes. We just need to wait until they wake up. " Bruce said walking down the hall.

"Bruce you aren't going to punish M'gann for what she did? " Clark ask worried.

Yes he know what M'gann did was wrong and that he was also angry when he heard what M'gann did by Beast boy. Bruce sigh and shook his head.

"No. It's her emotion that made her do it making her not understand. I was indeed angry but I must not let my emotion control me. " Bruce said walking forward. "But she is banned from going on any missions or getting close to Tim. "

Clark blink and watch Bruce walk away. Clark just smiled and flew after Bruce. Hal and Barry watch Clark go after Bruce making them both laugh.

"Okay. What now? " Jaime said while rubbing his neck.

"I don't know. We have to figure a way to make sure M'gann doesn't try anything stupid around Conner or Tim. " Cassie said while cracking her knuckles.

Jaime nod and glare at the door that open showing Bart with Wolf trailing behind.

"Mi amor. " Jaime smiled softly and hug Bart who hug him back.

Cassie smiled and pet Wolf's head softly. Wolf wag his tail and lean close to Cassie touch making Cassie chuckle.

"So what now?  White fox just came to me. She just told me that she'll come back later until Tim and Conner are awake so she can tell us about the cloth lady. " Bart said while looking at Cassie.

Cassie nod and look at Jaime who sigh and nod back at Cassie.

"Okay will wait until they wake up and you Bart will call her okay. " Cassie smiled at Bart who smiled back and nod his head.

"Okay. We better get some more rest before anything else. " Jaime said while watching Bart try his best to keep his eyes open.

Cassie smiled and nod her head. Jaime went to Bart and pick him up in his arms and carried him to his room. Cassie smiled and watch them leave and look down when she felt Wolf rub his head on her leg.

"Aw dont worry Wolf. Conner and Tim are okay. They just need some rest that all. " Cassie smiled making Wolf nod and follow Cassie out the room.

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