Chapter 8

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Conner was petting Wolf head while looking at the view of the sun set. Conner sigh and look at the hawks flying together.

"Why did I ran away...." Conner sigh and watch as the birds started dancing.

After what Conner did to Tim he made sure to stay away from Tim. He didn't want to see Tim because he was afraid of Tim response of the kiss that he gave him. Conner groan and slam his face on his hands.

Wolf then growled making Conner jump and stand up looking behind him just to see M'gann who was putting her hands up at Wolf.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare Wolf. " M'gann said softly while looking at Conner.

Conner look at Wolf who rolled his eyes at M'gann and look at her closely while she got closer.

"What do you want M'gann. " Conner said watching her stand next to him and watch the hawks dance together.

"Beautiful aren't they. How they dance together like a couple. " M'gann said smiling when the hawks sperate and get back together. "Wish we can be like them. "

Conner growled quietly and look away from M'gann.

"We broke up for a reason M'gann. " Conner said while looking at Wolf.

"I know but I just want us to be together again Conner. I know what I did was wrong and all but Conner I didn't mean to harm you I ju- "

"WHAT!!! Erase my memory of what YOU DID THAT PERSON so I wouldn't break up with you!! " Conner yelled looking at M'gann angrily.

"Conner what I did was to help the team, you know that. You just couldn't handle what I was able to do! " M'gann yelled back looking at Conner.

"What I couldn't handle was you going inside my mind so you can erase something that was a part of me! M'gann did you know how hurt I was when I felt you inside my mind! " Conner said looking at her. "It felt like being stab in the back! I trusted you M'gann just so you can take advantage of that! "

"Conner please what I felt for you was real. I really love you. " M'gann said while putting her hand on Conner cheek.

Conner push her hand away and glare at her.

"No! We are done M'gann! You had your chance and you threw it away! Anyways I love someone else. " Conner said looking at her.

M'gann gasp and was about to grab Conner hand but Wolf stood in front of him and growled. Conner sigh and left M'gann outside with Wolf following behind. When Conner press the button to open the door of Mount Justice he bump into someone making him fall on top of them. The door close and Wolf tail was wagging.

Conner eyes went wide when he notice that he was kissing Tim who was blushing red making him pull back.

"Uhhh I am soo sorry Tim. I-I d-didn't mean too..umm I bump into you a-and ummm oh god. " Conner blush and look away while covering his mouth.

Tim sat up blinking and look at Wolf who bark happily and lick Tim face making Tim chuckle. Conner heard Tim laugh and smile at Tim who was petting wolf. Conner stick his hand out for Tim who smile and accepted his offer. Conner pulled him up a little to hard making Tim bump into his chest. Tim gasp and put his hands on Conner chest. He then look at Conner who look down at Tim.

"C-Conner. " Tim said looking at Conner blue eyes. "I-I wanted to know why you were ignoring me the whole week since...that kiss. "

Conner sigh and look at Wolf who nod and walk away.

"I thought that you would be mad at me for kissing you out of no where... " Conner said not looking at Tim but still holding him in place.

Tim smile sweetly at Conner and made Conner to look at him.

"Do I look angry to you? " Tim said smiling at Conner.

Conner look at Tim and smile.

"No. " Conner said softly and lean down to kiss Tim who chuckle and kiss back while putting his arms around Conner neck.

"YESS!!! FINALLY!!! " Cassie shouted making Conner and Tim jump.

"Cassie you gave us away! " Bart said while crossing his arms at her.

Jaime chuckle and put a arm around Bart's waist. Tim laugh and raise a brow at Cassie.

"Were you guys watching the whole time. " Tim said while letting Conner hug him.

"Yup pretty much. " Cassie smirk while looking at Tim laugh and Conner groan.

Bart chuckle and went to hug Tim when Conner pulled back.

"At least your happy Tim. " Bart said smiling at Tim who smile back.

"But what are you going to do with Dick and a certain Batman. " Jaime said while nuzzling on Bart neck.

Tim groan and bury his head in his hands.

"Oh god I totally forgot about them " Tim said making his friends laugh.

"Don't worry well help you keep it low until your ready to tell them. " Cassie smiled while putting a arm around Conner.

Conner smirk and rolled his eyes at Cassie who smirk at Tim. Bart and Jaime nod agreeing with Cassie idea making Tim smile.

"How do I have awesome friends like you guys? "Tim said getting hug by Cassie and Bart.

Jaime and Conner smiled and join the hug when Cassie and Bart glare at them.

"Cause were AMAZING!! " Cassie yelled while smiling at Tim.

Everyone laugh at Cassie answer and let go of each other. Tim look Conner who smile at Tim.

'I could give this a shot...anyways Tim isn't like M'gann...he himself. ' Conner though and brought Tim into a hug making tim laugh.

A/N: YAAAAYY!! There together at last. I was killing myself with Tim being sad so I had to just push Conner a little.

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