chapter 28

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It was 6:54p.m and Conner was watching as everyone was making food. Today was Christmas and everyone was excited for the presents. Conner rolled his eyes when he saw Cassie fly to places for her mistletoes. Karen aka Bumble Bee was helping and Zatanna was making the food with Artemis and M'gann.

"Hey Conner. " Beast boy said while standing next to him.

"Hey kid. How you been? " Conner smiled while looking at Jaime and Bart put up direction on the Christmas tree that White fox brought them.

"Okay....also I wanted to apologize for my sister. For what she was trying to do to make you and Tim break up. " Gar sigh while looking down sadly.

Conner smiled and hug Garfield who gasp but hug back.

"Hey. It's okay. I forgive your sister but that doesn't mean I fully trust her. You. I still trust. " Conner smiled softly making Gar smile back.

Conner chuckle and then spotted Dick and Wally carrying present with Tim and Barbara helping.

"Put them under here. " Zatanna said while putting some of her presents underneath the tree.

Dick and Wally nod including the other and put the presents underneath the tree too.

"There. " Tim said but smiled when he felt Conner wrap his arms around him.

"Merry Christmas Tim. " Conner said while nuzzling close to Tim.

"Merry Christmas to you too. " Tim chuckle while lean back to Conner.

M'gann and Zatanna set up the table and Artemis was carrying the drinks to the table.

"Alright everyone foods ready! " Artemis said and everyone cheered.

Lagaan and Kaldur were laughing at Malcolm joke while Garfield was holding on M'gann's arm with her smiling softly at Garfield. Dick and Artemis were eating some salad while their lovers, Zatanna and Wally, were eating chicken and smash potatoes. Jaime had his arm over Bart who was eating some Chicken Whizee talking to Conner and Tim while Cassie and Karen argue about who was going to kiss first under the mistletoes. Virgil aka Static was eating some breed and smash potatoes while talking to Barbara about his training and how he should get better. Wolf was playing with Spear who was rolling around the hall.

"No. I have my money on Dick and Wally. Birdflash is true. " Karen said while crossing her arms.

"Oh please I know for sure it's going to be Conner and Tim. Kontim for life. " Cassie said back with a proud look.

"Ladies ladies. Please stop. " Zatanna said while waving her hands. "Anyways your both wrong. It's SO going to be Jaime and Bart. Bluepulse all the way. "

Bart, Jaime, Conner, Tim, Wally, and Dick watch the girls fight on who going to kiss first while Bart was looking around.

"I wonder where's White fox? " Bart whisper to Tim who nod.

"Yeah. Come on lets look for her. " Tim said and telling the others they'll be back.

Tim and Bart made sure not to go over a mistletoe and went out looking for a certain fox. Tim and Bart look everywhere and were about to give up until Bart remember White fox favorite place to be.

"Come on this way! " Bart said grabbing Tim's hand and going outside to the beach.

There was White fox watching the moon shine bright making her smiling. She look to her right seeing Bart and Tim running to her.

"Why aren't you two enjoying Christmas with your friends and lovers? " White fox question while looking at them.

"It's not the same without you. " Bart smiled while looking at Tim nod.

"Your a part of our team White fox. You need to celebrate with us. " Tim smiled at White fox.

She smiled back and look at the moon.

"Thanks for caring but I prefer to be alone on Christmas. I'm already use to celebrating alone on holidays. " White fox said making Tim and Bart look sadly at her. "Hey don't be sad. It's Christmas. Anyways I am not alone. I have Baya with me. "

Baya pop her head out of White fox hair and bark. Bart smiled and Tim nod.

"Okay. We understand and well respect your choice. " Tim said looking at White fox who smiled and nod.

"Oh one more thing. " White fox smiled and pulled two box that were wrap up neatly and had white bows on top. "Merry Christmas you two. "

Tim and Bart smiled and hug White fox who gasp but smiled and hug them back too.

"Merry Christmas White fox. " Bart and Tim said together.

"Alright go on ahead to your Christmas party. Have fun. " White fox smiled at the two heroes.

They smiled and gave White fox her present and wave bye to her who wave bye too. They went inside holding White fox present and gasp when the saw Artemis holding back Zatanna, Malcolm holding Karen, and Conner holding back Cassie. They were still arguing and this made Bart and Tim laugh.

"Okay enough fighting lets open the presents! " Barbara yelled with everyone nodding.

Everyone was getting their presents and opening them with excitements. Their were some with clothes, video games (Garfield presents of course) sketch pads, shoes, sun glasses for a joke, soccer ball, new bow, new poles, goggles for two speedster to other, animal book for Garfield and many other things. Everyone was happy with their gift that they all cheered. Tim smiled at the gift that Conner got him. It was a necklace of a symbol of a robin and Conner symbol their too but stick together.

"I love it. Thank you Conner. " Tim smiled and kiss Conner who kiss Tim too.

"And i love my too. " Conner said while looking at his watch that had a writing on the inside.

'You are more than just my boyfriend. You are my company and partner in crime. I love you Kon-El. '

Conner hug Tim with Jaime and Bart next to them. Tim look at Bart who smiled and nod. They both look at White fox presents and open them up just to find a moonstones necklace making them both smile. When they held it in their hands it started to glow white. Bart told Jaime to put on him and Tim held it close.

White fox smiled at her gifts that Bart and Tim gave her. Bart had for her a moon watch and Tim a scarf making her put on the white scarf.

"Merry Christmas you two also to you too Baya. " White fox smiled while petting Baya who bark.

Conner smiled and held Tim's hand and walk to the kitchen just to hear Cassie scream yes while Zatanna and Karen scream no.

"Hahaa Kontim always win!!! Now kiss Tim Conner!!! " Cassie cheered.

Conner look up and groan. How did he forget the mistletoe. Bart and Jaime were laughing while Wally and Dick rolled there eyes. Tim smiled and look at Conner who sigh and look at Tim with a smile.

"Merry Christmas Tim. " Conner said leaning close.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Kon. " Tim purred and wrap his arms around Conner's neck when Conner kiss him.
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone!!!! I hope you have a awesome and wonderful Christmas and Christmas Eve too. I made this Christmas special for you guys as your present I hope you love it. Also I'll make a New Years one too but that will have more than kissing lol. Anyways Merry Christmas from White fox to everyone!!! ❄⛄🎄🎄🎁🎁

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