Chapter 3

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Conner was standing in front of the Hall of Justice nexts to Superman aka Clark Kent. Clark was smiling while people were taking pictures of them including Tim who was next to Batman aka Bruce Wayne who had a serious face on. Wonder woman aka Diana Prince was there too with Cassie. They were answering question for the reporters about things for a long hour.

"Wonder woman are there any kind of relationship between you and Superman!? " a female reporter scream while sticking her mick up including others.

Clark sigh and Diana rolled her eyes.

"Sorry no. There are nothing between ma and Superman including Batman too. " Diana said while crossing her arms.

"Enough question we must really go. " Clark said to the people smiling kindly.

"Wait!! Is Superboy dating Wonder girl because they are really close in battle!! " the same reporter scream.

Cassie eyes went wide and glare at the reporter.

"Uhh no! I see him as a brother not a lover! " Cassie shouted while crossing her arms too.

Conner growled and look away getting Clark attention making him put a hand on Conner shoulder. Bruce then turn around with a hand on tim shoulder and walk back inside the Hall of Justice with the others behind.

"Superboy your answer we n- " the door shut before that reporter could finish and they went inside the other room.

"Ughh why do people think were dating! " Cassie yelled making Diana put her hand on Cassie's shoulder.

"Cassie their reporters then need a story. Believe me it gets on my nervous when ever they ask me the same question over and over. " Diana said sighing and watching bruce talking to Green Lantern aka Hal Jordan.

"Conner you okay. " Clark ask while looking at his son. (Hey I see them as family!)

"Yes I'm good. Just that they got on my nervous. " Conner said looking at Clark.

Clark smiled and nod his head. Conner then notice Cassie walking to Tim and pulling him aside to talk privately.

"Tim you okay. " Cassie said while looking at Tim carefully.

"Yea. I'm okay Cassie just angry at that female reporter for not respecting your's and Conner's privacy. " Tim said crossing his arms.

"Don't be tim. " Conner said making Tim and Cassie jump.

"Kids let's go. We have to check on Mount Justice and talk to Red Tornado. " Clark said waving his hand.

They nod and ran to their mentors and following them through the zeta tube. Each one teleported back and the young hero's wave bye to their mentors.

"Hey guys! " Bart said waving at them with Wally, Dick, and Jaime behind.

"We saw the news and man you guys look angry when they ask about your dating life. " Wally said crossing his arms.

"Ughh tell me about it. " Cassie growled while closing her eyes and making a fist.

Bart chuckle and look at Tim. Tim shrug and look at Conner who sigh.

"Yea it bug me too. " Conner said while breaking his knuckles.

"Guys have you seen Garfield! " M'gann yelled while flying to them.

Conner shoulders went tense when M'gann got close and his mind was screaming to attack her. Dick and Wally were talking to M'gann while Cassie and Jaime notice how tense Conner went.

"Okay thanks. Hey Conner. " M'gann said awkwardly while looking away.

Cassie look at Conner and saw anger and hurt. She glare at M'gann and cross her arms.

"Yea see ya M'gann. Me, Conner, Bart, Jaime, and Tim are going out. " Cassie said grabbing Conner shoulder and walking to the zeta tube with the others behind.

Bart look at Cassie confused while Jaime and Tim knew why. They were out in town in there regular clothes and walking together. Tim was talking to Bart and Jaime while Cassie and Conner were behind.

"So care to tell me why you were all tense up and ready to attack M'gann when she was close to us? " Cassie said looking at their friends in front of them.

"It's complicated..." Conner sigh while watching tim laugh.

"Come on Conner. You need to let someone know what happen with your guys relationship. " Cassie said softly and looking at Conner.

Conner sigh and look at Tim smile at Bart softly and kind.

"M'gann tried erasing my memory of her destroying people minds so I wouldn't break up with her. " Conner growled while looking at Cassie who look angry too.

"What! Have you told anyone about that! " Cassie said looking at Conner worried.

"No. " Conner said looking at Cassie.

Cassie sigh and cross her arms.

"To think M'gann would have done that. Ughhh whatever she old news. " Cassie said looking at Jaime rubbing Bart hair.

They went inside a restaurant and sat near a window. Cassie ask Conner if she could tell Jaime and he nodded. Jaime was shock and angry too but nod his head when Cassie told Jaime to not tell Bart or Tim. Conner smiled and sigh in relief because for some reason he felt light. Probably Milargo was right. Telling others does help.

"Hey Conner hurry up. " Cassie smiled making Conner smiled back.

They order their food and went to sit down to their table where Tim and Bart were waiting. They gave each the group their cups and Bart and Tim went to get their drinks with the other behind.

"Okay but wouldn't the Hammer go up with the elevator. " Cassie said to Jaime who shrug.

"Then the elevator isn't worthy. " Jaime said to Cassie who chuckle.

Conner then notice a couple of guys in Tim and Bart personal space making Conner glare. Cassie notice to with jaime behind who growled.

"Come on gorgeous. " the guys said with his friends smirking at Tim who look annoyed and Bart too.

"Umm how about a no. " Tim said coldly making the guys chuckle.

"Aww playing hard to get. I love it when they do. " the guy said and grab Tim arm.

Conner growled but smirk when Tim did something to the guy.

"Lay off! " Tim yelled and threw his drink in the guys face making him scream.

He guy look angry and was about to do something until Conner, Jaime, and Cassie came.

"Is there a problem. " Conner said standing in front of Tim who was being pull back by Bart.

"Mind your own business punk! " the guy yelled glaring at Tim who rolled his eyes.

"I seen worst. " Tim said to bart who chuckle.

"Savage. " Cassie whisper to Jaime who laugh.

"Uh yea no. So you better leave before you get hurt kid. " Conner said glaring at the guy and his friends who took off running.

The guy then went after his friends leaving a laughing Tim, Bart, and Cassie. Conner rolled his eyes and look at Tim who smile.

"Thanks Conner. " Tim said softly making Conner blush but Conner push it away.

"Yea let's get our drinks. " Conner said to the others.

Cassie smirk at Jaime who smirk back and put a hand on Bart shoulder.

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