Chapter 29

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After Christmas people were getting excited for New Years and getting things ready. Will not everyone.

"CONNER!! " Cassie yelled while grabbing her lasso.

Conner was caught in Clayface clay while trying to get free. Bart was also stuck with his feet's.

"So not crash! So not crash!! " Bart struggle to move his feet's.

Conner growled but gasp when Clayface pulled him in his chest.

"No! " Tim gasp and threw some sonic blades.

They each hit a wall and start a high pitch scream straight toward Clayface making him yell in pain. His clay body sstarted trembling letting Conner and Bart free and fell to the floor. Jaime soon kick a cement mixer trucks button watching as the cement fell on top of Clayface who gasp and scream no.

"Ahhh-!. " Clayface was stuck inside dry cement when he tried moving and Cassie landed down.

" statue. " Cassie  smiled while tapping the statue but gasp when it shatter.

Bart and Jaime look at Cassie who was freaking out and how she didn't mean it while Tim laugh while helping Conner up.

"Cassie. Clayface is made out of clay. He can't die. Once the cement fall off his clay he'll be back to normal. " Conner said while waving his hand but getting some clay on Tim's face who gasp.

Cassie sigh and pick up the pieces and gave them to the police the box who thanks the hero and left the scene. Cassie sigh and walk to her friends.

"Ughhh were suppose to be planning our New Years instead we have missions! " Cassie shouted while spreading her hands out.

Bart chuckle while Jaime rolled his eyes.

"Cassie it's not the end of the world. " Jaime said while wiping some clay off Brat's hair.

"Oh hush. I want to have the best time on New Years. " Cassie said while walking to th Zetatube.

They all got teleported back to HQ and Dick was standing there with a smile.

"Nice work team. Now for your next mission. " Dick said while pressing the hologram screen.

Cassie groan and threw herself on Tim and Bart who gasp and caught Cassie. Connor and Jamie rolled there eyes and help their boyfriends since their not that strong to hold Cassie. Dick chuckle and swipe up the mission.

"Don't worry this one easy. All you guys have to do is retrieve a stole item that Poison Ivy and Harley stole. Here is the location. " Dick said while handing Tim the location to his computer wrist.

"Huh. This will be easy then. " Cassie smiled at Tim when she saw the map.

~Mount Abu~

"Okay! I take everything back!!! THIS IS SOOO NOT EASY!!! " Cassie yelled while her and Conner were holding a boulder that was suppose to squish them.

Turn out that Poison Ivy and Harley choose an old temp but with booby traps. They could hear laughing making Cassie groan. Tim, Bart, and Jaime ran out the way making Cassie grab Conner's arm and flew out the way just for the boulder to crash to the floor and make a hole.

"Fucking Nightwing. " Cassie hiss while landing down.

Conner went to Tim while Bart and Jaime were side by side while Cassie was in the middle.

"Well down heroes. You made it past the boulder. " Ivy voice was heard making the heroes look around.

"Yeah chumps!!! Now all you got to do is past a maze to reach the relic. Good luck!! " Harley said and everyone gasp when walls came separating Cassie from her four friends.

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