Chapter 11

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Conner watches as Clark apologies to Diana, Cassie, Barry, Hal, and Bart. Bart smile and wave his hand.

"It's okay Superman. At least no one got badly injured. " Bart said while fixing his goggles.

"Yea. Sure Bart. " Cassie said while rubbing her stomach which was cover in bandages.

Diana nod and look at Zatanna and Dr. fate who were trying to figure out what was wrong with Clark and Bruce.

"Tim are you okay. " Bruce said looking at Tim worried.

"Yes but are you alright? " Tim said looking at Bruce.

Bruce smiled and nod his head.

"Yes. Just some bruises, scratches, and sore leg but other than that I'm alright. " Bruce smiled and rub Tim's head.

Tim smiled and notice Clark walking to them.

"Batman..can we talk. " Clark said worried and concern.

Bruce nod and hug Tim and follow Clark. Diana smiled and went to Hal and Barry to check on them while Cassie was rubbing Bart's hair. Conner went to Tim making him grab Conner's hand.

"Are you sure your okay? " Tim said while rubbing Conner cheek.

Conner smiled and nod his head leaning on Tim touch.

"Yes. Don't worry Tim. " Conner smiled and grab Tim chin to lean down and kiss Conner.


Conner cused and stop before he could kiss Tim who was blushing. M'gann hug Bart who smile and hug M'gann back. Cassie smile went down and glare at M'gann while walking next to Jaime who was being hug by Beast Boy.

"Your okay. We heard what happen and. CONNER!? Is he alright?! " M'gann said while looking at Cassie and then spotted Conner who was standing next to Tim. "Conner! "

M'gann flew to Conner to hug him making Tim get push back. Tim look at Conner who sigh and tap M'gann back. Cassie growled and Jaime glare at M'gann. Bart walk next to Tim who look away from the hug and smile at Bart.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. We are together after all. " Tim whisper making Bart smile.

Diana notice Zatanna and Dr. Fate finish talking and started to leave together.

"Dr. Fate what's wrong? Did you two figure out how this happen. " Diana said looking at Zatanna who nod.

"Maybe..we think it's one of my father's enemy. " Zatanna said looking at Dr. Fate nod.

"Yes. Let's go Zatanna and now. Be careful my friends. Also inform the league about this. " Dr. Fate said and left with Zatanna waving bye to Bart, Tim, and Cassie.

Tim frown and look at Diana who was telling Hal and Barry to tell Bruce and Clark about this. They both left and Diana look at the others.

"Well tell Nightwing about this. Why don't you five go rest. " Diana said while rubbing Cassie hair and left the room.

Tim watch Diana leave and sigh while looking at Conner who was walking away from M'gann who look sad, little angry, and determine. Conner smile at Tim and look at Cassie and Jaime who both nod.

"Let's go eat. " the group of friends nod to Conner statement and left to the base.

They were in their regular clothes and were talking about the problem at the a pizza restaurant.

"But come on. Who would make a friend become a enemy to a other friend. " Cassie said while chewing on her fry.

"I don't know. Remember there are many magical people that are villains Cassie. I just hope Zatanna and Dr. Fate can find him or her on time. " Tim said while sipping his soda.

Conner nod and ate his hamburger slowly making  Cassie and Jaime look at Conner and back at each other.

"Hey Tim. Can we borrow Conner real fast. We need to talk. " Jaime said looking at Tim who nod.

"Okay but let me keep Bart for a day. " Tim shot back smirking.

Jaime chuckle and nod his head.

"Fine but only a minute. " Jaime said quick and got out the sit before Tim could say anything else.

Conner was drag out of his sit by Cassie making Bart and Tim laugh. Cassie and Jaime drag Conner out the restaurant and into a alley.

"Okay now spill or I'll use my lasso on you. " Cassie said while holding her lasso.

Conner and Jaime look at Cassie and chuckle while shaking their head.

"Come on Conner. You know I can't hold back Cassie. " Jaime said while crossing his arms.

Conner sigh and lean on the wall.

"She won't stop..." Conner said while looking at Cassie and Jaime.

"M'gann? " Jaime said looking at Conner who nod.

"She told me that she won't give up on us and that she'll do anything to get use back together. " Conner said while looking down the alley.

Cassie growled and punch the dumpster making get a dent.

"Ughh! Can't she just! You know! Move on!! " Cassie yelled while looking at Jaime.

Jaime sigh and shook his head.

"What you tell her hermano. " Jaime said waiting for Conner to answer.

"Good'll need it. " Conner said coldly while looking at Jaime and Cassie.

Cassie smirk and nod her head at Conner.

"Hell yea! She doesn't deserve you!! " Cassie cheer while hugging Conner.

Jaime and Conner laugh while Cassie smile at them both. They were laughing while someone was on top of the building watching them laugh.

The person watch as Cassie wrapped her arms around Conner and Jaime shoulders. The person frown sadly and watch them go back inside the restaurant then the person look back. A taller person who was wearing a cloth stood behind the person looking at two best friend having fun. The cloth person threw something at the friends making them gasp and push each other off and start fighting each other off. The cloth person smile and look at the saber tooth tiger that was black and red growl.

"Not yet Baga. Not yet. You barley got a meal from Superman and Batman we need a stronger connection. Son. Let's go. " The cloth person said looking at the other person.

"Yes mother. " the son signed while looking at the alley again and left.

A/N: Ohhh I shown you the villains of the story hahaaa me so evil. Well I'm not. I'm friend with Bart and Tim. 😛

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