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Sobber and A Cry Baby

There were drinks i had put inside my mouth yesterday, it felt bitter, it felt salty. It has no glass nor bottle. Just simply a water that came out from my eyes.



Masih teringat jelas di bayangan gue tentang pertama kali lo buat gue speechless, Audirga yang gak bisa berkata apa-apa.

Gue pikir sejak awal gue tau nama lo, seberapa problematic dan ignorantnya diri lo ketika dapat hukuman dari senior but you don't give a damn at all, putting your earphones on as if you don't care with the whole world around, being the egoist little chick that you only cared with you and your music, kept coming late as if the campus rules were owned by you, gue gak akan tertarik sama sekali. Dulu gue berpikir cewek galak dan pendiam sama dengan attention seeker. Mereka membangun imej misterius supaya cowok penasaran, that doesn't work on me. But there you were, lo memang jauh dari kesan galak dan pendiam, gue seringkali liat lo berubah jadi all-sweety and cute dengan mata almond lo yang bisa ikutan senyum ketika lo menertawakan lawakan Tukang Gado-Gado, atau ketika seringkali lo hanya pasrah dengan amarah Ardan dan terkesan gak peduli dengan apa yang terjadi setelahnya asal lo bisa free.

Lo nyebelin. Lo pencitraan.

Sampai hari itu, hari yang buat kata The First Time datang ke hidup gue.

The first time you sat beside me inside my car, the first time i helped you putting the seatbelt on, the first time i saw you gone crazy, the first time i saw you crying, the first time you slept on my bed, the first time i saw your face all night long, the first time i hugged you so tight, the first time i kissed you full on the lips, and the first time you make me fell.

Oh and one thing, the first time i thought you were mine already.

Sabtu malam selalu jadi rutinitas gue ngabisin malam minggu, sama Glendy, Ardan, anak-anak club yang lain, dan kadang kalau lagi mood, Trian dan Dion suka ikut join.

You only lived once, that's actually your duty to live as fully as possible.

Gue jarang baca buku motivasi, tapi satu kalimat itu nyantel di otak gue ini sampai sekarang. I often drank some random alcohol, either a shot of Whiskey or a glass of White Wine, anything that can make me drunk, forget who i am today, dancing, laughing, being as happy as i can be. Di antara yang lain, gue yang paling susah hangover, gue gak gampang mabok, mungkin karena terbiasa minum, ditambah keluarga gue juga suka minum. Oh kecuali abang gue, Rama, dia kan malaikat, sayang aja gak ada sayap, mungkin copot somewhere waktu dia nolong orang?

That was fast when i took a shot of whiskey on my throat, dancing when the DJ started to thump the whole audience with some shit music, and then i was exploring to find some random girls, bringing them to my seat, hitting on them until i got the satisfaction, either it was with a simple kiss or small touches on the skin. I almost thought that it was okay to bring them to the nearest hotel or an empty room in this building but seemed like i had no mood to do so today.

Glad to know that as for today, my hormones are easy enough to handle.

Gue liat ke samping, Ardan lagi sibuk sama cewek disampingnya, banging, gue minum lagi meskipun gak haus, lebih tepatnya gue gak tau mau ngapain, bosen. Dan akhirnya gue lebih memilih ke bar buat pesen makan, apapun itu karena ternyata gue laper.

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