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One Night With U

And promise me this

You'll wait for me only
Scared of the lonely arms
That surface, far below these birds
Maybe, just maybe i'll come home

Who am i, darling to you?
To tell you stories of mine?
Who am i? 

Promise by Ben Howard



Cigarettes After Sex - Keep On Loving You

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Cigarettes After Sex - Keep On Loving You.

Lagu biadap ini.

You should've seen by the look in my eyes
That there was something missing
You should've known by the tone of my voice,
But you didn't listen
You play dead, but you never bled
Instead you lie still in the grass all coiled up & hissing

Seharusnya gue tau kapan harus menekan tombol next di Music Player supaya lagu ini gak berhenti setelah 3 menit di puter. Takdir tuh emang ada-ada aja. Segala lagu beginian lah muncul di Shuffle waktu Ela lagi di sebelah gue.

Iya, sekarang kita berdua lagi di mobil. Kita gak kemana-mana lagi dan langsung anterin dia pulang karena memang dia maunya begitu.

  I know all about those men
Still I don't remember
Because it was us baby way before them
And we're still together
I meant every word I said
When I said that I love you I meant that I love you forever

Bangke nih lagunya.

Perasaan kayak gini -deg-degan, perut sakit, tangan keringetan, cuma cewek sebelah gue ini yang bisa bikin gue kayak gini. The effect she has on me is not like a simply joke people can't side-eyeing about.

And I'm gonna keep on loving you
Because it's the only thing I wanna do
I don't wanna sleep
I just wanna   keep on loving you

Gue berdeham sambil melirik dia. Selalu begitu, sibuk liat ke arah jendela, bengong, mikirin ini itu. Cuma sedikit aja. Iya... Sedikit aja gue berharap ada gue di pikirin dia.

Mungkin Ela udah denger semuanya dari orang lain karena gosipnya udah menyebar kemana-mana.

"Lo tau gak waktu acara pengukuhan si Kak Dirga tidur sama Maba Lingkungan yang namanya Raina?"

"Tidur doang apa gimana?"

"Ya gak mungkin tidur doang lah."

"Mereka jadian ya?"

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