Chapter Seven

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Nolan could remember his team being sent to Poland almost fourteen years ago. It was his first overseas mission and they'd been assigned to take out two targets that were holding American soldiers hostage at a campsite in the mountains. Marines had been sent prior to them, but had said the terrain was too "unpredictable" and aborted the mission. Sometimes Nolan felt like that was what the SEAL department was for; doing the things that other branches of the military couldn't do.

He recalled sitting on the ledge of the mountain, his uniform and vest barely enough to keep him warm in the -10 degree weather.

The organization of the mission was astounding. Everyone knew exactly what to do and how to do it. The mission ended flawlessly.

Now he was barging into a similar situation with nothing but a G19 and a kid who carried more attitude than skill. Not to mention Nolan wasn't exactly sharp himself.

They listened carefully before moving out into the hallway.

Muffled words could be heard through the thick walls. Nolan couldn't quite tell, but he thought it might be Russian.

Just as he went to tell Toby to move in, the door swung open and two men walked out.

Without thinking, Nolan stepped forward, pressed the muzzle of his gun to the first man's head, and fired.

He allowed the body to slump forward onto him and used it as cover. He swung his arm around and shot the second man in the chest five times.

"Stay behind me!" He shouted to Toby.

Only one man was left. Normally, that would be good news. Unfortunately, he was the one with the M400 rifle. Also unfortunately, he was on the other side of the room with the hostages in the middle. Nolan didn't waste time taking a head count of the people tied to the front of the table, but instead on the terrorist before him.

Nolan could see his eyes, a deep brown filled with hatred. The man immediately raised his gun to his shoulder and let loose three shots.

They weren't intended for Nolan.

The bullets struck one of the three hostages, sending a spray of blood, and adding another body to the ranks.

The other two captives gave a cry of fear.

The terrorist lifted his gun yet again, but this time Nolan knew what he was shooting at.

He ducked behind the body he was using before dropping it to the floor, taking aim, and shooting the terrorist in the left shoulder.

He barely even seemed effected.

Nolan retreated back outside the door. He leaned around the corner, fired a few shots, but missed.

Toby dove forward towards the table, keeping his rifle close to his chest. He peeked up over the metal and rested his gun on its ledge. He managed to get a bullet to the terrorist's abdomen and in that split second, Nolan came back around the corner, relinquishing a clean head shot.

The room fell silent for a beat of a moment as the fallen man crashed to the floor.

Nolan walked back in, shifting his attention to the hostages. One was a younger woman, the other a middle-aged man who had blood seeping from his nose and looked to be nearly unconscious.

The woman eyed Nolan up and down suspiciously, but the gag in her mouth made it impossible to talk. Blood was splattered on her clothes, but it wasn't her own.

Nolan knelt down next to her while Toby began untying the other man.

He carefully undid the cloth that was covering her mouth and let it fall.

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