Chapter Thirty-Three

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Toby was running through the streets, along with many civilians who hadn't been evacuated, when the U.S. began their counterattack.

It was utter chaos.

Black Hawks were dropping off troops everywhere they could as other helicopters rained bullets down in unrelenting streams across the pavement, and black-hooded soldiers were getting thicker in the streets.

They were trying to get back to the palace and nothing, it seemed, was going to stop them.

In mere hours, the battle field had switched from Colossus defending the palace to the US and British forces trying to keep them away from the palace.

Civilians and soldiers alike were being mowed down all around.

Local police were everywhere as well, shouting, "Civilians need to find shelter now! Get inside for your safety!"

Thankfully, most people had retreated into nearby buildings, but Toby was trying to get to the same place as the military and Colossus.

Nolan was already inside...he wasn't dead yet, which was surprising, but he didn't have much longer.

Toby spotted an opening in the crowd and veered off to the right. He jogged down the alleyway, trying to clear his mind that was ringing with gunshots and grenade blasts.

He'd been with Grace for about five minutes until a flood of U.S. soldiers poured into the street, ordering that everyone get back and stay out of the way. A few seconds later, Colossus came in from behind and the assault began.

People started running like cattle through a shoot instead of seeking shelter. Toby didn't stand a chance at finding Grace again, but at least his earpiece hadn't been ripped out by the crush of people.

"Grace, do you copy?"

"Way to stick together, Fairfax!"

Why was she so impossible? "I'm heading for the palace."

"Me too—I think I've got a clear shot. I think the U.S. just accidentally blew up the entrance."

He picked up his pace to a sprint until he spotted the palace. It was a firestorm over there. American troops were trying to hold their position, but Colossus was making a strong push against them.

He looped around, taking a little extra time, to the back entrance and began climbing the tall black fence inside.

"I got a map to the tunnels below the palace," Nolan said, his voice in a whisper.

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