Chapter Eleven

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Dimyan Egor.

The man who'd killed Nolan's squad.

The man who'd caused him to be put in jail for ten years.

The man who'd taken a countless amount of lives.

Needless to say, Nolan didn't hesitate to pull the trigger, but Egor ducked behind the concrete pillar with ease, dodging the two bullets aimed his way.

"Hungry for revenge, I see." Egor remarked, his Russian accent thick. "But I only came to talk, Mr. Clay."

Nolan didn't lower his gun, but turned off his earpiece. He didn't want to distract Grace or Toby. "I'm not very sociable." He said.

Egor came out from behind the pillar, his hands up and his countenance relaxed. "That's alright; I'll do most of the talking."

He fished a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. "We haven't officially met. The last time I saw you was through the scope of my rifle on an exploding cargo ship, yes?"

"It could've been better circumstances for sure." Nolan replied.

"Ah, but little did you know, that was the beginning of a revolution." Egor said casually, exhaling a long puff of smoke. "We have a lot to discuss. I'm sure my men inside will keep your accomplices busy for a while."

"Then get to the point; I don't have all day." Nolan retorted. He hoped Grace and Toby could hold out for a while. "Tell me what you want."

"I want the world to be a better place." Egor replied. "I want to cleanse it of its dross and reform it into a new earth; a better one. We live in a corrupt society, Nolan, you know that. People are allowed to run rampant through the streets, murdering, stealing, bombing whatever they want."

"You're one to talk." Nolan countered.

Egor nodded. "Perhaps, perhaps. But who lets all of that happen, eh? The people in charge of our countries. We all live under a dictatorship, ruled by a malevolent power. My job here is to take it all away, to create a new government in place of this corrupt one."

"And how do you plan to do that?"

He gestured towards the EMP. "By taking away what people have been relying on for years: technology. Transportation, cell phones, electricity, running water...without it, they can't function. By taking it from them, it will bring our people to their knees, ready to be molded into a new creature." He took another puff from his cigarette before continuing. "This isn't about power, though; far from it. I don't want to rule the world... I want to reform it. When chaos reigns after the EMPs go off, the strong will survive and take leadership."

"Why are you telling me this?" Nolan asked, his gun still trained on Egor's head.

"Because there's nothing you can do to stop it." He took several steps closer, a wild look glinting in his eyes. "The Russian militia killed my family, Clay. I watched my daughters and my wife murdered in front of me in my own house fifteen years ago. And do you know who was to blame for that? The government. They didn't do anything to stop them, so now I have to."

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