Chapter Seventeen

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Nolan barely had time to catch a glimpse of the black Ford truck before it crashed into the back of his own car.

"What the—"

"Get down!" Nolan shouted, lowering himself in his seat and punching the gas. They shot forward, releasing themselves from the truck.

Smoke billowed from their tires as they gained speed. Nolan glanced up at the rearview mirror and saw that the truck was hanging back a little.

That's weird...

He faintly saw two heads pop up from the back of the truck bed. They almost looked like they were assembling something...

"No freaking way." Grace gasped.

They were putting together a portable turret.

Grace scrambled to the back seat.

"Hey! What're you—"

"Where's my Bauer Automatic?"

"It's not safe, you need to—" Nolan was cut off by a spray of bullets penetrating his back windshield. He jerked to the side, crashing into two other cars in the opposite lane.


"You'd better tell me where it is, Clay, or we're both going to look like human colanders!" Grace shouted.

Nolan cursed. "Under the right seat."

Another rain of bullets pelted the car. It was a miracle none of them hit the tires.

"Hold on!" Nolan swerved into a wide alleyway, knocking over two trashcans. He heard Grace load her handgun.

He quickly reached the end of the alley and made a hard turn back onto the main road. He entered traffic and went straight across the road, earning many honks and shouts from other drivers.

He heard two shots go off.

"I—I got one!" Grace squealed, sounding much too excited.

Nolan tried to move in a zigzag pattern, but it was hard as he went through the thick traffic. He shoved his way through the center lane and eventually some of the cars got the message and moved out of the way.

Unfortunately, the police had noticed too.

Sirens blared behind them, but not for long.

Nolan caught a glimpse of the black turret in the back of the truck turning to face the other way.

"No, no, no..." Grace whispered, taking aim through the shattered window. She fired two more shots and killed one of the two remaining men, but wasn't fast enough for the other.

He open fired on the police car and it immediately lost control and crashed into a fire hydrant.

"I only have three bullets left." Grace yelled.

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