Chapter Thirty-Five

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  Nolan was running through the second tunnel when his leg gave way beneath him. He stumbled to the ground, scraping his palms on the rough concrete.

He swore angrily and shifted into a sitting position. He buried his face in his hands and gave a slow, shaking exhale. He had to find Grace...they knew where she was...

He scooted over towards the wall and closed his eyes, focusing on each painful breath. His leg and arm were both throbbing, almost in rhythm, as blood seeped through the cloth he'd tied around them.

One man should not have these many bullet wounds in his lifetime, Nolan thought.

But he had to keep going. Who knew how much time was left before the EMP gained enough strength to detonate? Toby couldn't die in vain...

He pulled out an earpiece he'd retrieved from the Colossus soldier.

Maybe Egor had a button to set off the EMP and send the world into chaos, but the circular black piece in Nolan's hand might be the one thing preventing it all.


Nolan looked up, squinting through his blurred vision to see Grace coming toward him.

"You're alive," he murmured.

Grace, however, didn't look so relieved. She came up to him, her eyes searching his face. "What happened? You're bleeding out..."

She cupped both hands on his cheeks and rubbed a thumb across his gritty skin. "W-where's Toby?"

Nolan met her frightened gaze. He tried to control his emotion, but couldn't. He bowed his head and his face contorted with pain. Hot tears coursed down his cheeks, burning more than the wounds he'd received.

"Oh...oh no..." Grace whispered as if the wind had been sucked out of her chest. She drew Nolan into a hug, blinking away her own tears.

Nolan squeezed her tightly with his good arm before pulling away and wiping his face with his shoulder. "How much time do we have?"

Grace gulped back a sob and said, "I—I found it. It's not far from here, but it's blocked by Colossus. It detonates in five minutes."

"Five minutes..." Nolan echoed. "We'd better get moving then."

"But what do we do?" Grace asked.

"What we do best. Get in there before anyone sees us and hope we don't get killed."

"You can't even walk,"

"I've always thought I couldn't do a lot of things Grace Evans," he said, regaining a familiar smirk as he began making his way down the tunnel. "Like surviving ten years in jail, going back to working for the government, running around from country to county, speaking to the United Nations, destroying a world-crippling device...and kissing you would be on top of that list as well."

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