Chapter Thirteen

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Grace hurried down a conjoining alleyway, deciding to take her route through the longer path. She hoped there would be less people around the back, so she started at a jog through the maze of buildings.

She would do anything to avoid a panicking crowd; she'd seen it all before. People did things they would have never dreamed of doing when their life was put in danger. She knew that from experience.

Most of the buildings in Kavala were two stories and had apartments above the shops. It was nearly pitch black if it hadn't been for the full moon.

Grace squinted against the darkness and slowed her pace. She could faintly make out two men crouched near a trashcan, a plastic bag in each hand.

The scent of heroin assaulted her nose.

This isn't going to be pretty. She thought dismally. She couldn't turn back now, so she clutched her knife tighter in her fist. Maybe she shouldn't have given Nolan her gun...

Avoiding eye contact, she tried to walk briskly past the two men but, as expected, one hopped to his feet and yanked on Grace's arm.

"Hey there—"

"Let me go." Grace interrupted, her tone flat.

"Now why would I do that?"

Grace kept her mouth shut.

The man laughed and Grace could smell the acrid odor of drugs on his breath. "We've got a smart one, Achilles."

"You look expensive, miss." The other man, Achilles, said. "Care to spare anything for our...worthy cause." He brandished a knife of his own.

Grace could tell by the way he held it flat in his fist that he wasn't exactly skilled with the weapon.

However, a person high on drugs was sometimes capable of more damage than an experienced fighter.

She had to get out of there.

Just as Achilles stepped forward, knife held out in front of him, Grace slashed the other man's wrist and he immediately let go of her arm with a howl. She went to slice him across the chest, but ended up cutting through his throat. He let out a gurgling scream and fell to his knees.

"I'm so sorry!" She gasped, looking then at a shocked Achilles. "I really didn't mean to. It's kind of a habit—"

Outraged, Achilles lunged forward and Grace shifted to the side. He was a lot faster than she'd given him credit for.

He adjusted his grip to where the blade was pointing downward and swung for Grace again.

She ducked down and brought her knife down through Achilles' foot.

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