Chapter Twenty-Six

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Nolan's pulse quickened as he maneuvered out of a conversation with a German man and made a loop around the ballroom. He couldn't find Xavier or Fredrick Halberg. Had Grace already left without him?

"Excuse me," he said to one of the butlers carrying a tray of champagne, "Do you have a bathroom here?"

"Of course, sir. Down that hallway to the left."

"Thank you," Nolan hurried out of the ballroom and began searching for Grace. He was careful to avoid the servants pacing the gold-carpeted halls.

After clearing the first floor, he jogged up the staircase to the second floor. Both sides of the hallway were empty until he heard a muffled scream.

Nolan unclipped his pistol from its holster and quickened his pace down the hall.

He turned the corner to see the governor's son trapping Grace against the wall.

Grace struggled, but her arms were pinned at her sides

Her face was the image of sheer panic.

"Nolan!" She cried.

Nolan turned the gun around and held the barrel as he slammed the butt into Fedrick's temple just as he turned around.

The man crumpled to the floor, swearing in Russian. He lunged at Nolan, but Nolan grabbed a fistful of his shirt and slammed him against the wall. Every muscle screamed for him to put a bullet in his head, but he refrained.

Tightening his grip, Nolan leaned in. "I've killed eighty-one men in my lifetime," he whispered, "if you ever even look at her again, much less touch her, I won't hesitate to make it an even eighty-two. Do you understand me?"

Fredrick tried to wriggle free and Nolan bashed his head against the wall.

"Do you understand?"

Fredrick nodded with a groan.

Nolan released him and watched as he stumbled back down the hall, offering curses and threats as he went.

Grace was sitting against the wall, wide-eyed. Part of her lace sleeve was torn and her hair had partially tumbled down.

Nolan knelt next to her and cupped his hand on her cheek, searching for any wounds. "Did he hurt you?"

"No," she whispered. She took in a shaky breathe and suddenly drew Nolan into a hug.

He stiffened before hesitantly wrapping his arms around her.

He realized that this was probably the first time Grace had needed someone in a long time.

"Thank you," she murmured. "I'm so, so sorry."

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