Chapter Fourteen

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Nolan was squished inside a police car, but thankfully he wasn't heading to prison this time. The ambulance had taken Tracy to the nearest hospital in Thessaloniki once they found out she had a father who was on a business trip in Athens.

Nolan, Toby, and Grace had waited along the highway for a string of police cars to come by and pick them up.

Now Toby was completely invading Nolan's personal space by nearly sitting on top of him.

"Scoot over, man." Nolan mumbled. "Grace doesn't bite."

"I wouldn't be so sure." He replied, shifting half an inch away. "All she did was yell at me the whole time when we were attacked at the school."

"He kept breaking apart the FMG we took from the terrorists." Grace defended. "He didn't even know it stood for folding machine-gun."

"Those things are cool." Nolan said. "How did terrorists get a hold of them, though?"

"No idea." Toby shrugged. "It looked like it had a nice sized clip."

"30 rounds." Grace nodded.

"Pretty good for taking out a lot of people." Nolan happened to look up and saw that the police officer driving the car was staring at them intently.

He decided not to further the conversation anymore.

He assumed they were heading to the nearest city with power, but who knew how far the EMP had spread? It had taken the authorities over three hours to get to the scene.

They drove on in silence for a while. Exhaustion weakened Nolan's muscles. Who in their right mind would issue a missile strike? It wasn't the terrorists, to be sure. Then a thought occurred to him.

Had Egor made it out? If that was actually the idea behind the missile launch...

Nolan shook his head. Something like that would hurt a lot more people than it was worth. He wondered if other EMPs had gone off.

Grace sat up in her seat and leaned forward. "Pou páme?"

The driver glanced up in the rearview mirror. "Lamia. Eínai dýo óres makriá."

Grace frowned. "He's taking us to Lamia; it's four hours away."

"Better get comfortable."

They all reclined in the leather seats wordlessly. What else was there to say? The missile strike just added to their their questions.

They were three agents who'd stepped into a war bigger than anything they were prepared for. Nolan reminisced about his original plans. A nice, isolated cabin in the mountains. Was that too much to ask? A little over a week ago he was enjoying pancakes at Denny's. Now he harnessed information that could bring the destruction of society itself. He'd had to face every ghost that had haunted his dreams, his thoughts...his life.

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