Chapter Thirty-Six

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The sky seemed bluer than Nolan remembered it ever having looked.

Four ducklings quacked after their mother as they paddled across the shimmering lake outside of St. Peter's Hospital in Manchester.

Nolan rubbed a thumb across the white bandages that covered his stump of a leg. He had bandages everywhere. In fact, the only places he wasn't covered was his head, neck, and left arm.

You'd think I'd look a little better after three months in this place, he thought. But it was good to get some fresh air by himself for once, although the doctor still didn't know he'd escaped.

His body carried an ache from head to toe, but he'd gotten used to it.

The authorities found fifty-one bombs underneath the Buckingham palace two days after the Battle for Britain, as people were calling it.

The palace was utterly destroyed, but London still had power, running cars, and appliances.

The EMP had not gone off, nor had any others since.

Arrests were being made across the globe, police apprehending anyone with a history associated with Colossus.

The bombs had only been located underneath the palace, so Nolan and Grace had escaped by a hair's breadth. A search team had come around a few hours after Colossus surrendered themselves and a pair of medics found Nolan and Grace in the dining hall, half dead but alive, nonetheless.

Nolan had heard about Toby's funeral, even though there was no body to be buried. He'd received a long letter from Maddie and James, thanking him for being a man of honor whom Toby looked up to and that they were proud of the hero Toby had become.

Nolan leaned against the wooden bench, smiling at the memory of Toby in Kavala, Greece, loaded down with gear Nolan never dreamed they'd need.

A voice behind him made him jump.

"I didn't think they'd let you out so soon,"

Nolan turned around, winced, then settled back into his seat again. "Miss Grace Evans..." he murmured, grinning.

Grace came around the bench, dressed in a loose blue shirt and jeans. Her brown skin was marked with white in splotches that patched her neck and collarbone from where burns were beginning to heal.

Her right arm was in a sling and Nolan noticed two gaps in between her fingers.

Grace caught him looking at her hand and gave a sad smile. "Took my ring and pointer fingers."

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