Chapter Twenty-Four

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Toby marched into headquarters, pulling out his badge and showing it to Sarah, who worked at the front desk, as he passed.

He made his way to Howard's office and opened the door without knocking.

Howard was sitting in his roomy leather chair and gave a start when Toby entered. "What is the meaning of this, Fairfax?"

"New developments," Toby said, tossing a file onto the director's mahogany table. "You have to retract your orders on the acid attacks."

Howard gave a hefty sigh before sliding the file towards himself. "You are nothing but a headache, agent." He flipped through the papers before looking up. "What is this?"

"Pictures from every shipment order Dimyan Egor has made since 2002."

"How did you get this?"

Toby gave a lofty chuckle. "I have people."

"Don't play games with me, Fairfax." Howard snapped.

"Do the names Maddie and James Winlow ring a bell?"

Howard closed the file and let out a string of curses. "I can't believe this!" He spat. "Is this you, Toby? Are you the one turning all of my former agents against the CIA? I am the director of this establishment, I say what happens around here."

"Really?" Toby wagered, staring out the giant window at a clear view of DC. "Because last I recall," his gaze fell back on Howard, "you were planning to acid bomb civilians, killing thousands without even looking for an alternative. You'd better appreciate the risks people like Nolan, Grace, and the Winlows are taking, because they've just stopped you from making the biggest mistake in American history." He gave his employer a measured stare before continuing, "From my experience working with you, sir, I have learned one thing. You don't want to maintain want to avoid confrontation."

Howard shot to his feet angrily. "How dare you!"

"No, Mr. Director, how dare you. I'm not the one who decided the fate of thousands without further research," he clasped his hands behind his back, "Now with all due respect, you will sit back down and read that file. After I have discussed the details with you, you will do everything in your power to make sure these EMPs are shut down without harming any civilians through American force, hence avoiding confrontation. Just how you like it."

Howard's jaw worked furiously and his milky blue eyes were sharp as glass when he glared mercilessly at Toby.

Finally, he took a seat and cleared his throat. He shuffled through the files.

Maddie and James had researched every piece of equipment Egor had received from underground employers, including a governor in Nevada.

He'd been smart enough to use different accounts and had bought many parts in person. Once Maddie and James had enough information, they figured out how Egor had potentially put a single EMP device together. They put their information into a computer program and diagramed the parts into a theoretical device. From there they could study the way it could be wired and operated.

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