Chapter Twenty-Two

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Grace held onto Angela's arm as they entered into the kitchen. She grabbed two of the pointiest knife she could find and picked one up for her companion as well.

"What do we do?" Angela whispered, her voice trembling.

Before Grace could answer, she heard voices outside. She bit her bottom lip, weighing the options of running or staying put.

There had to be a back staircase somewhere...if they could just get out.

"Come on."

They made their way across the chrome kitchen and snuck up to the two swinging doors on the other side. Grace peeked up over the window and saw that there was an exit sign across the hall.

"Are you a fast runner?" She asked.

Angela opened her mouth to reply, but Grace had already flung open the doors and was pulling her across the hallway. There were five men on their right, who immediately jumped into pursuit.

As Grace had expected, the exit opened up into another stairway, as well as a door that led outside.

Without hesitation, she shoved the exit door open to find a line of terrorists on the other side.

"Back up, back up!" She shouted to Angela and sprinted up the stairs. "Huge mistake," She gasped. Now they had two groups chasing them.

The pounding of footsteps instantly filled the echoing concrete stairway.

"Go, go, go!" Grace murmured, mostly to herself, as she willed her legs to go faster.

Gunshots rang out, the noise magnified by the close quarters, and Grace instinctively ducked. How long were these stairs?

She looked up and saw a green sign that had an arrow pointing left and read: Dach

The roof.

She lunged for the door located a few feet away and yanked Angela outside. Once she was on the other side, she quickly reached onto her tiptoes and slid the emergency lock into place.

Grace ran to the smooth ledge as cold wind whipped her hair around and saw another building that was slightly lower, about twenty feet away. The chasm in between was enough to make her stomach drop. She threw her two knives over to the other roof and backed away.

She licked her dry lips and nodded, sweeping her eyes over the flat roof. "Angela," she said, trying to stay calm.

Angela kept glancing at the door that was being pounded on from the other side.

"We don't have a lot of time and we've got to get out of here," Grace said.

"Yeah, I—I know," Angela said, gulping.

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