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Bonus post because why not? Happy October! xx

Kate smiled at her mother as she came sauntering out of the house in a too small mini skirt to lay next to her daughter. Renee smiled at her daughter before looking around for her eldest.

"Where's your sister?"

Kate bent her head down to continue reading her book, "She said she was going for a walk down at the beach. Probably moping about something."

Renee frowned at her daughter, "Look, I'm not going to get in between you two but as your mother, I'm saying let it go for one weekend."

Kate said nothing as she flipped to the next page.

"You're sisters, you love each other! You'll fix it eventually."

Kate closed her book and looked at her mom, "Not this time. We've crossed a line we can't uncross. It will never be the same and you know what? I'm not upset about it."

Renee smirked, "Right because you have that hot new boyfriend who calls you every night."

Kate blushed and stood up to get away from her mother but Renee didn't let it go. She followed her daughter to the beach teasing her the whole way.

"Come on! Tell me about him!" Renee begged, "Is he cute?"

They had made it to the waters edge and they just stood there looking out over the Atlantic ocean. Kate dipped her toes into the water and almost squealed when the cold water hit her. The sun was burning down on her skin and she couldn't help feeling like she was with Jacob. Her heart jolted at the thought of him. He would like it here. Kate knew that she would have to bring him here one day where they could spend the whole day at a warm, sunny beach unlike La Push. Not that she complained about it there. That beach was her home but this one, this was nice.

"He's very cute, mom."

Renee clapped her hands together and came to stand by her daughter.

"So what's he like? Come on, indulge your old mother."

Kate sighed with a slight smile, "He's an idiot."

"The best one's are."

"I don't know, mom. I'm happy whenever I'm with him. He's a complete dork who is an even bigger dork around his friends. Well, our friends. He's funny and incredibly sweet. And he always puts me first. I always want to be around him, ya know?"

Renee smiled, "You know, if there was such a thing, I'd say it was right out of a fairy tale."

This broke Kate's bubble.

"More like a nightmare," Kate muttered to herself.

Her mother didn't hear her but instead splashed some water at her daughter with her foot. Kate gasped as the cold water sprayed the right side of her body. She laughed as she kicked a lot more water at her mother before running a little ways down the beach to get away from her. Renee chased her daughter like she did when Kate was a baby and splashed her some more. The two girls laughed together their voices carrying over the sand dunes.

"I missed you Katie-bug," her mother said sweetly.

Kate hugged her mother tightly, "I miss you too. But I'll come visit soon."

"Maybe next time I can meet this boy of yours."


"Well Jacob seems like a great boy."

She smiled and pulled away, "He is. He'd love it here."

At dinner that night Phil had made them all hamburgers and hotdogs. The sat inside laughing and telling embarrassing stories about Kate and Bella. Admittedly Bella had way more than Kate did. It was nice seeing them all so happy even if Bella was awkwardly silent most of the time. She was the most happy for her mom. She had never seen Renee like this and it warmed her heart. She spent all of her life caring after her daughters that she never looked after herself. Kate was glad that she found Phil. He treated Kate and Bella like they were his own daughters never once making them feel uncomfortable. It was so nice in fact, that Kate could, just for a couple hours, pretend that they were a nice, normal apple pie family.

Jacob didn't call her at his usual time but Kate wasn't worried about him and quickly fell asleep. It wasn't until three in the morning that the ringing of her phone woke her up. She answered it as to not wake up Bella who was sleeping deeply next to her.

"Hello?" Kate whispered as she made her way out of the room.

Jacob's frantic voice came through the phone, "Are you alright?"

"Jacob, what's wrong? What's happened?"

"The leech, she came back!"

Kate's blood cooled, "Victoria's back? Why now? She's had months to make her move?"

"No idea. but she almost caused them to violate the treaty," he growled.

"What happened?"

"We were chasing the vamp and ran into the Cullens who were chasing her too. We were running along the river when the big one jumped across into out territory. Paul intercepted him, and well...you know Paul. Let's just say it was tense for a few moments. But the bitch got away."

"Well, we're fine here. Besides, you really think I'd let anything happen?"

Jacob scoffed over the phone, "Yea you and that leech thats there with you."

Kate was pacing in the living room but she stopped in her tracks.

"What leech?"

"Edward. He wasn't with them tonight. My guess is that he couldn't let Bella out of his sight and he's there with you."

Kate was seeing red, "I'm going to kill him."

She could practically see Jacob's grin, "Fucking do it. Listen, I've got to run patrol but I just had to make sure you were safe."

"It's not me who's not safe. It's Edward."

They exchanged their 'I love you's and I miss you's' before they hung up the phone. Without bothering to put shoes on, Kate marched outside and onto the beach before she screamed.


She waited half a second before he appeared in front of her with a pained look on his face. Kate shoved him back so hard that he went flying through the air, landing in the sand ten meters away.

"I get it now, I get all of it. You're sick you know that? Lying to her! But what else should I expect really, from you. You can't even trust her, how pathetic is that?"

Edward pushed himself to his feet, "I couldn't leave her unprotected."

"I'm sorry who is it now that is twice left her unprotected? Not me, pal!"

"I can't trust you to protect her when you're so ready to kill her," Edward had snapped and ran to stand right in front of her face.

Kate growled, "It's not her I'm ready to kill." She paused taking a deep breath to calm herself, "I'f I even so much as think you're near me for the rest of this trip, I will kill you."

She gave him a long, hard glare before stomping back to the house trying to restrain herself from waking up her sister to yell at her too.

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