Help Out Your Author

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I hope you guys are enjoying the final chapters of Collide. Let me tell you, it doesn't get any less painfully emotional for the rest of the book. I'm working on the final book (not telling you the title yet but I absolutely love it and the plot lines I have going) and I want some of your input. 

There will be several AU chapters in the first part of the next book. For example, while the wedding preparations happen as well as while Bella and Edward are on their honeymoon.

Let me know below and I'll see if I can incorporate some of your ideas into my plot during the next book. Thank you guys for sticking with me and supporting me on this ride.

1. What does Kate do during all the wedding planning?

2. What does Kate spend her time doing while Bella and Edward are away on their honeymoon?

3. Should Kate support the Cullens or the Wolf Pack in the Renesmee debate

4. Who should defect to Jacob's pack?

5. What kind of Kate and Jacob fluff do you want to see?

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