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Music blasted in Kate's ears as she jumped from side to side with Jessica and Angela in the living room of the Cullen's house. If she just closed her eyes she could just imagine that she wasn't in their house and just hanging out with her friends. Despite the fact that she wasn't graduating, she could still celebrate her friends that were. 

The bass of the song hit her chest as she bounced up and down whipping her hair back and forth. She was sure that Emmett was the one who chose the music. The rest of the Cullens probably had no idea what dance music was. Alice had done a great job with the decorations making the whole house dark but filled with various lights all around it. Esme had outdone herself with all of the cooking probably having enough food to feed the whole senior class three times over. Kate still preferred Emily's cooking.

Bella had disappeared as soon as they got to the house no doubt to go make out with her boyfriend but Kate didn't mind. This just meant that she had her friends to herself without having to pretend that it wasn't awkward between the two sisters.

Eric and Mike soon appeared making the rest of the girls embarrassed to be seen with them because they had taken it upon themselves to be the worst dancers at that party, a feat that they were achieving magnificently.

Between the robot and the sprinkler, Kate started to laugh not having this much fun in a long while. She honestly couldn't be happier. Jessica and Angela ran off when they saw Bella to talk to her. Mike spun Kate around like they were little kids on the playground.

"What are you going to do without us, Baby Swan," he asked her.

Eric threw his arm over her shoulder, "Crash and burn."

Kate smacked him in the stomach and laughed, "Probably. But you're only going to Seattle which means I can bother you every weekend."

"Not if we don't tell you where we live."

"Angela will."

"Dammit," Eric cursed.

At this point Angela and Jessica returned with Angela telling them how much she loved this song causing them to start dancing again. The girls all took off their shoes and started dancing even harder to the beat of the music. Kate was so lost in the sounds that she didn't notice anything until arms wrapped around her and the squeaked in surprise as she was lifted off the ground.

Booming laugher sounded in her ear over the beat of the music. Kate spun around when her feet hit the floor and smacked Quil hard in the arms several times.

"Dammit Quil! Don't you ever do that to me again!" she yelled at him as he jokingly fended off her attacks.

"Hey easy on the goods," he complained.

Once Kate stopped her assault she turned to her friends and introduced him.

"I'm not sure you guys have met Quil but he's from the Quileute reservation."

There was a chorus of hellos and one sly eye from Jessica. Kate subtly shook her head at her friend who pouted slightly. 

"What are you doing here?" she asked Quil beginning to move to the music again.

Quil rolled his eyes, "Jake was being a baby. He whined until Embry and I agreed to come with him to shut him up."

Over his shoulder, Kate saw Jacob walking toward her with Embry in tow. Both of them looked uncomfortable but had smiles on their face nonetheless. Kate pushed past Quil and grabbed Jacob's hand pulling him toward her friends.

"Guys you remember Jacob, right?"

Mike looked away awkwardly not meeting his gaze while the rest of them smiled at Jacob. Once again, Jessica leered at Jacob like he was a piece of meat. Kate introduced Embry to the group before she was pulled away by Jacob to the middle of the dance floor.

Jacob spun her around and pulled her into his chest. 

"You owe me," he smirked at her.

Kate rolled her eyes, "You wanted to come don't deny it."

"And hang out with a bunch of leeches?"

"Do you see any?"

Jacob shook his head but scrunched up his nose, "No but I can smell them."

"Good then pretend that they're not here and that it's just you and me out dancing."

Jacob spun her again before giving her a short kiss, "Now that I can do."

They continued dancing together while Embry and Quil made polite small talk with her friends. She would look over to them and see them occasionally laughing and she smiled into Jacob's shoulder as he held her close to him.

Her little moment of happiness was interrupted when Jacob pulled back from her and grabbed her hand quickly, "Come on."

She followed him without question and as they passed Quil and Embry he tapped them on the shoulder to get them to follow too. As the four of them pushed themselves through the crowd, Kate saw what Jacob had seen earlier. At the top of the stairs Bella and Alice were frozen in conversation with scared looks on their faces.

Jacob walked up behind Bella, "What's going on?"

Neither girl answered as Kate and the boys looked on confused.

"They're not going to Seattle," Bella muttered quietly.

Alice shook her head, "No. They're coming here."

"Whose coming here? What's going on?" Kate tried to ask them but just like Jacob, she was ignored. She walked off with Bella in tow leaving nothing but the rest of them to do but to follow not knowing what was going on.

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