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When Kate got to school Monday morning she was absolutely exhausted. She had spent the rest of her trip with her mom looking over her shoulder for any signs of Edward. Luckily for him, he didn't step foot near the house and she only saw him when he picked Bella up for school this morning. As per usual, Kate left for school on her own.

Kate walked toward the entrance only to stop in her tracks when she saw a familiar bike and a familiar back. He must have sensed her near by because Jacob turned around and when he did, a bright smile exploded on his face. Kate all but ran toward his open arms.

"I missed you," he said into her hair as they hugged.

Kate pulled back smiling, "I missed you too! What are you doing here?"

"What? A guy just can't come and surprise his girlfriend?"

"No, and said boyfriend is shit at lying to said girlfriend. Now talk."

Jacob's grin fell slightly, "I'm here to warn the bloodsucker."

"So the usual."

Before Jacob could reply Jessica came bouncing over to them with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Oh my god, Kate I missed you so much this weekend. I had to write graduation invitations all by myself." Jessica pulled her into a hug but Kate could tell that she was checking out Jacob behind her back. A flush of jealousy hit her straight through the core.

"And who is this?" she asked pulling back looking at Jacob like he was meat.

Jacob was watching Jessica and Kate with such and amused face that Kate wanted to punch off.

"Jessica, this is Jacob, my boyfriend," she said putting a little more emphasis on the boyfriend part.

"So this is the famous Jacob I've heard so much about. You've been keeping him from us," Jessica practically squealed.

Jacob laughed and gave Jessica a smile that made Kate's toes curl in anger, "I don't come into town that often."

"You should go on a double date with me and Mike sometime! It would be like-so much fun!" Jessica offered to him completely ignoring the fact that Kate was there.

Kate could tell that Jacob was enjoying this situation immensely. Not only did he like the attention but he liked the fact that Kate was so obviously jealous.

"Why not? Sounds fun. What do you think, Kate?" he asked her smirking.

"Oodles," she responded dryly.

It was physically impossible for Jacob to smirk anymore.

"Great! It's a date! I'll see you at lunch, Kate," Jessica said excitedly before bouncing off into the school.

Kate glared at her as she left and Jacob finally let out the laugh he had been holding in the whole time.

"Keep it up and you won't have a girlfriend any more," Kate told him.

Jacob kept laughing, "Awww... babe you're cute when you're jealous."

"You going to think I'm fucking adorable if I flirt with another guy. You really want to play this game, Black?"

Jacob's smile dropped. He was not at all happy with this game. He wrapped his arms around her in apology, "I'm sorry, babe."

"You better be," Kate mumbled into his chest not hugging him back.

She was about to wrap her arms around him when Jacob's grip on her tightened and his whole body stiffened up.

"They're here," Jacob told her.

Kate pulled back from Jacob to watch her sister and Edward walk toward them. Bella gave Jacob a weak smile that he didn't return. The rest of the students of the school walked around them feeling the tension in the air and not wanting to get involved.

"Hey," Bella greeted Jacob completely ignoring Kate.

Jacob in turn, ignored Bella and spoke directly to Edward, "Look, I'm here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again..."

Edward merely laughed at the threat and Kate was so close to blasting his sorry ass to Canada. Bella looked confused while the other three looked meaningfully at each other.

"Wait, what?" Bella asked.

At this, Jacob smiled a sarcastic grin, "You didn't tell her? I told Kate right after it happened. That just shows how much you trust her, huh?"

Kate started to smirk at the look Edward was giving Jacob, "Just leave it alone Jacob." At this Kate started chuckling.

"Tell me what?" Bella demanded of Edward.

Edward looked pained before turning to Bella to answer her question, "Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding. It's nothing to worry about."

"HA," Kate snorted, "Are you kidding me? Of course she should be worried. She's the one Victoria wants."

"Victoria?" Bella put it all together. 'Finally,' Kate thought. "Alice's vision."

Edward turned to his girlfriend, "I was trying to protect you."

"By lying to me. Okay we're going to talk about this but..." she turned to Jacob still ignoring Kate, "You, why haven't you called me back?"

Jacob frowned at her for a second before answering, "I had nothing to say." He put his arm around Kate's back and led her away from her sister.

"Well, I have tons, hold on!"

"You know she's not going to let this go, right?" Kate whispered to him.

Jacob sighed, "I know. But I might as well give him a little hell while I still can"

Bella started to make her way over to Jacob and Kate. Kate smiled at Jacob and kissed him before walking up some of the stairs to school.

"You coming," he asked her as he gave his spare helmet to Bella.

Kate scoffed, "Are you kidding me? One, no. Two, I have school and a GPA to maintain. Three, no."

Jacob rolled his eyes at her, "I'll see you later then."

He revved his engine and took off with Bella leaving Kate and Edward standing there staring at each other. Kate turned away after a second but then turned back around.

"Hey, Edward." He looked up at her. "If you think Jacob and I are going away, you've got another thing coming. I still haven't given up on her humanity."

Without waiting for his answer, Kate turned around and went to her art class.

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