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Kate ran as fast as she could toward the vampires and they collided with a loud bang that sounded like breaking porcelain. The first vampire she hit had its head soaring across the field in the middle of a blue fireball. She spun around just in time to duck as a vampire lunged at her. She threw them up into the air just in time for Jasper to jump up and catch him, ripping his arms from his body only to rip his head to pieces as soon as they touched the ground.

She ran at another vampire and slid under their swinging arms to come up and grab them by the back to deliver a kick to their chest causing it to crack and cave in under the force. She grabbed their head in a headlock and Rosalie came over and helped her separate it from their body sending it to the other end of the clearing.

Without warning, Rosalie grabbed Kate, spun her around and sent her flying through the air. Kate had no idea where she was going until she saw Emmett being clawed at under three of the vampires. Kate grabbed one from behind their shoulders and ripped them off of Emmett when she landed. She blasted the other one away from him as well giving him enough time to deal with the one in front of him.

The first one she blasted off of Emmett had come back and grabbed her around the throat from behind. She struggled in their arms for a moment before sending a blue blast through her body to hit him. He staggered back from her and she lunged at him taking his head in her hands and disintegrating it between her palms.

She looked around the clearing and saw that they had been backed up against the rock in the middle of the field. They were surrounded by the vampires who seemed extra determined to get to her. If it were not for the small wall of Cullens keeping the majority off of her, she was sure she would have been overwhelmed by now.

Behind her, she heard the thudding of footsteps and looked up just in time to see the pack come leaping over the rock, growling with their teeth bared. Leah and Quil came soaring over her head and landed right in front of her barreling through the approaching vampires.

Kate ran behind them and swung one of the ones they missed around her through the air. Jared leapt up to catch him in his teeth and with a sickening crunch and snapped him in half.

A bark caught her attention and she turned her head to see Jacob coming into the clearing. He looked at her for a moment before springing into action. He ran and jumped over her to intercept a vampire that was going after Emmett.

She allowed herself a small smile and a sigh of relieve that he was okay before going back to the task at hand. She looked around and saw Alice in danger and with a small eye roll she ran to help her.

She collided with one of the vampires with a crash breaking off his hand. She blasted him off to the side while she went to take care of the four others.

"Alice, duck," she yelled at the girl.

Without hesitation, the girl did as she was told. Kate had no idea why she said what she did, she just knew that she had to. She intended to simply blow the vampires away but something strange welled up inside her. With a small cry out, energy blasted out from Kate like a ring of fire causing the the four other vampires to be blown apart as if hit by a grenade. The fire that came through Kate felt like actual fire, her veins were screaming in pain at the new sensation. She collapsed to her knees with the effort of it.

She felt hands pick her up and place her back on her feet. Still shaking, Kate took off once more. A vampire stepped in her path and lunged at her she ducked and ducked again but being so tired she caught the third hit right in her rib cage. She flew backwards and hit the ground a few feet away. The vampire came on top of her and made to bite her but a mass of fur bounded over her and tore her off of Kate. She scrambled to her feet to see Paul tearing the head of the vampire off with his teeth.

Several of the vampires were running from Sam, Leah, and Jacob to the other end of the clearing. Kate thrust her hands out and created a magical barrier so they couldn't cross it. The vampires hit it with a crash and looked up to the wolves that had descended on them to tear them apart.

A vampire grabbed her from behind but Kate flipped them over her head onto the ground. She placed her foot at their neck and grabbed their arm for leverage. With all her strength, she stomped down and the vampire's head became detached from her body. Kate fell back with all of the force ripping the girl's arm off as well.

Kate stood up and saw another vampire running after her. She flipped the leftover arm over once in her hands before using her powers to make it fly across the field to the vampire. It connected with its chest and flew right threw him leaving a giant gaping whole where his heart used to be.

She finally took a deep breath and looked around at the carnage. Most of the vampires were in pieces by now strewn all across the battle field. The wolves were making quick work of the rest.

Jasper came over to her looking as if he hadn't just fought, "You alight?"

Kate nodded just now beginning to feel the pain in her ribs. She probably broke a few of them. Her hands were still shaking from what ever the hell she did earlier. She still didn't know what that was.

"You did well," Jasper encouraged placing a hand on her shoulder, "Come on, let's start burning them before it's too late and we have to do this all over again."

Kate gave him a small nod and followed him back to the center of the field. The vampires had all been taken care of. Her gaze went to find Jacob but noticed that he wasn't in the field. She spun around frantically looking for him but noticed at Paul and Jared weren't there either. None of the other members of the pack seemed too concerned at where they were so she calmed down.

The Cullens had started dragging discarded limbs into a giant pile in the middle of the field. Rather than do unnecessary work, Kate climbed to the top of the rock that overlooked everything and raised her hands in the air. She closed her eyes and felt out with her mind for the vampire pieces.

She lifted her hands slowly and she knew that it was working. All across the field, the pieces of vampires were being lifted, surrounded by blue flame, and brought to the center of the field where the pile was being started.

She let them fall and watched as Jasper poured lighter fluid over the pile and lit the pieces. Kate sat down and winced when her ribs were jarred. She looked out at the fire with a small smile on her face.

They did it

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