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Alice led the group up the rest of the stairs and into Carlisle's study. When they entered the room, the rest of the vampires who were there stiffened up. They were either up here to hide from the party or they had just heard what had happened and Kate's money was on the former.

Feeling completely out of the conversation Alice began to address the room.

"They'll be here in four days," she told everyone.

"This could turn into a blood bath," Carlisle muttered, shaking his head and sitting down.

Jacob and Kate looked at each other and they both shrugged their shoulders.

"Who's behind this?" Edward asked Alice.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized...maybe one."

Edward frowned, "I know his face. He's local: Riley Biers. He didn't start this."

At this point, Kate was completely confused. She had no idea who this Riley was and what he was behind. Apparently the Cullens had been taking the town's safety into their own hands without alerting the rest of the supernatural community to the threat. Kate could help but become irritated at that.

"Whoever did is staying out of the action," Alice sighed.

Carlisle jumped in, "They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision."

"Either way," Jasper's deep voice cut through, "the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town."

Jacob finally asked the question that had been on the rest of their minds, "Hold up! What damn army?"

"Newborns," Carlisle answered him, "Our kind."

"What do they want," Embry asked.

Alice frowned, "They were passing around Bella and Kate's scents. Bella's red blouse and Kate's white shirt."

Jacob's arms immediately began to make a move around Kate but she took a step closer to Alice.

"I didn't even notice anything gone," she told everyone.

"I wouldn't be surprised in that pigsty," Alice scoffed to Jasper.

Kate took another step forward ready to hit her before Jacob pulled her back to his side.

"So what you're saying is they're after Bella and Kate," Jacob growled causing Embry and Quil to do the same.

"What did I do?" Kate asked confused.

Everyone ignored her and Jacob continued, "What the hell does this mean?"

"It means an ugly fight, with lives lost," Carlisle answered.

Kate looked back at the deep frown on Jacobs face. He looked over at her. It was like she could read his mind. She nodded and when he looked at his boys, they did as well. Each of them were ready to fight to the death on this one. Kate felt a rush of love for them burst through her.

"Alright, we're in."

"No," Bella suddenly protested, "You'd get yourselves killed. No way!"

"First off," Kate began, "This isn't your decision. They're after me too for some god-known reason and I have a feeling that it has something to do with you. So that right there should make you shut up. Secondly, your my sister and as much as I want to strangle you I want to protect you. Third, out of all of us here, you're the only one who can't do anything about this. Fourth, this is my town. I'm going to protect it."

Bella sank back next to Edward not even bothering to contradict her sister.

Edward looked at Kate with hard eyes, "It'll mean more protection for you, Bella. Kate, can take care of her self, believe me."

Carlisle addressed Jacob, "Jacob, do you think Sam would agree to an.....understanding?"

"As long as we get to kill some vampires," Jacob smirked.


Jasper sized the werewolves and the siren up before speaking, "They'll give us the numbers. The newborns won't even know they exist. And Kate.... everyone who knows about her is either in Forks or dead. She'll give us an edge."

"Then we need to coordinate," Carlisle decided.

Bella stood up, "Carlisle, they're going to get hurt."

"We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us."

Jacob nodded, "Right. Name the time and the place."

"Jake," Bella whispered, "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

Jacob's glance flickered to Kate for a second before looking back at Bella, "This is what we do. What all of us, do. You should be happy! Look at us...working together. You are the one who wanted us to get along, remember?"

Bella had no response.

Kate turned to Carlisle, "Right, we're heading back to the Rez. I'll call you with what Sam says but I'm sure he'll agree to it."

Carlisle nodded and the werewolves followed Kate out of the house brushing past the rest of the partying teenagers.

"You three run on ahead. I'll drive and meet you there," Kate told them.

Embry and Quil nodded their heads before dashing off into the forest. Jacob came up close to her and looked at her as if she was a porcelain doll that was about to be smashed to pieces.

"Jacob, don't worry about me."

He smiled brushing a piece of hair behind her ear, "I always will. That's why you're staying at my place until this is over."

Kate laughed, "Won't my dad love that."

Jacob chuckled, "Tell him you're staying with Leah or something. I don't care. I'm going to protect you no matter what."

"Jacob, I can protect myself."

"I know. But that doesn't mean that I won't stop trying."

He kissed her on the top of the head, "I'll see you soon."

She waved him off into the forest before getting into her Jeep. When she got inside she lay her head on the steering wheel causing the horn to go off. She didn't move her head as the sound echoed through the trees. Bella really was a danger magnet.

Later in the night when she finally convinced Charlie to let her stay with the Clearwaters she called Sue and let he know to keep up the lie for Charlie. Of course, Sue already knew about the threat and was fully on board with taking any precautions to protect Kate.

When Kate pulled up to Sam and Emily's house the house with abuzz with noise and activity from the pack. She walked into everyone yelling about how the Cullens always come with problems. Paul's suggestion was to let them all die but Sam quickly shut him up with his Alpha commands.

Emily saw Kate walk through the door and rushed to her, "Kate, how are you feeling?"

Kate laughed, "I'm okay, Emily. No vampire has bitten me yet."

"That's not funny," Jacob and Paul snapped at the same time.

Leah rolled her eyes, "Let the girl breathe, Emily."

Sam stepped forward and put his hand on Kate's shoulder, "Call Carlisle. We're not letting those leaches touch you. We protect our own."

Kate smiled at him and hugged him around his waist smiling even bigger when his arms wrapped around her.

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