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Billy was waiting for them as soon as they stepped out from under the trees. Kate figured that he had been sitting outside waiting all day for them to return to him safe and sound. They weren't too far away when Billy recognized that it was his son that was being carried home. Kate knew that she would never forget the look in his face. The look of pure agony she was sure would haunt her forever.

Sam jogged forward to reach him before they did. He leaned down and told Billy what had happened but Billy's eyes never wavered from his son's floating body. They brought him inside and gently laid him on his bed. Billy rolled himself to his son's bedside and sat there just looking at him. Sam and Kate hovered by the doorway for a moment before leaving Billy alone with his son who had passed out from the pain somewhere on the journey.

Kate's tears had not stopped the whole time but she busied herself by making a pot of coffee and tea for everyone to have while they waited. Her hands shook as she filled the pots with water. Sam's hand reached out from behind her and shut off the water before taking the pots from her. Kate rested her hands over the edge of the sink and leaned forward trying to control her breathing that was threatening to hyperventilate again.

Sam's gentle hands turned her around by her shoulders and pulled her into a giant hug. The moment she collided with his chest, Kate choked out a strangled sob. She cried and cried into Sam's chest without any sign of stopping. She knew that the pack outside could hear her, but at the moment, she didn't care. Sam never said anything, he just ran his hand up and down her back trying to soothe her.

"It hurts," she cried, "It hurts so fucking bad."

"I know. He'll be okay, he'll be okay," Sam whispered.

After a few minutes, Kate pulled back from him and wiped her tears away. She looked around the room and went back to making the coffee and tea pretending that this wasn't tearing her apart. Her tears hadn't stopped but she ignored them trying to get them to stop. Sam said nothing for a while before going outside with a sigh.

She tiptoed to the back of the house with two mugs in hand but stopped at the doorway to see Billy grasping his son's hand in his own. Another tear fell down Kate's face at the sight.

"I brought you some tea," she whispered.

Billy turned his head to look at her before nodding to her. She walked over and handed him the mug which he took gratefully. Kate pulled up a chair and curled into herself on top of it.

"Thank you," Billy told her.

"I figured we could use a cup while we wait for Carlisle," she sniffed.

Billy shook his head, "For bringing him home."

"It's all my fault. He got hurt because of me. If it wasn't for me and Bella this stupid battle wouldn't have happened. Jacob wouldn't be laying here."

"Don't say that," Billy snapped startling Kate, "It's not your fault. Jacob would fight everyday to protect you."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"Would you do the same for him?"

"Of course," Kate answered without hesitation.

"That's what love is. Putting them before yourself," Kate gave Billy a small smile and he put his hand on her knee, "If it wasn't for you, my son wouldn't be as happy as he is. Until you came into his life, well, I don't think I ever saw him smile that much. Even before the imprint."

Kate looked over at Jacob's sleeping face and frowned once more.

"Billy, I killed people today," she whispered.

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