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One Week Later...

Kate spun around in her kitchen with her headphones in her ears as she faked singing into a spoon in between scoops of ice cream. She was celebrating. It had been a week since the vampire attack and no one was trying to kill her or Bella anymore.

As far as the Cullens went, she hadn't seen any of them around town or around her house. She was sure that Bella was keeping Edward away from her and Charlie and that was alright, as far as she was concerned. Even now, she still hadn't gotten over the fact that he abandoned her and left her to freeze to death in the middle of the woods. That's not even mentioning the fact that it was in the grand plan to turn Bella into a vampire as well.

Jacob was on the mend although he was chomping at the bit to phase again. Carlisle specifically told him he had to wait another week before he could change into his wolf form again. He tried once but when Kate stopped him, she nearly killed him in her rage.

She gave herself another twirl before dipping the spoon back into the ice cream bucket. As she was lifting the spoon to her mouth, movement caught her eye and she looked up to see her dad round the corner and march to the front door. He wrenched it open and slammed it shut behind him as he walked through it. Kate put the spoon in her mouth and let it hang there.

Frowning, Kate walked into the living room where Charlie had just come from and found Bella sitting on the couch wringing her hands together with her sleeves pulled up to her fingertips. Kate pulled the earbuds out of her ears.

"What was all that about?" she asked her sister.

Bella's face turned a bright shade of pink noticing her sister in the room, "Nothing...He's just... overreacting."

Bella stood up and brushed right past her sister into the kitchen. Kate frowned and followed her in there to find Bella raiding the fridge. She retrieved a soda and leaned against the counter fiddling with it. Kate reached for her ice cream and took another scoop into her mouth.

"So are you going to tell me or are we going to leave this elephant in the room?"

Bella shook her head before sighing, "Have you ever felt, wrong."

"Like I put shoes on the wrong feet wrong or like I should not have eaten those old leftovers wrong?" Kate joked.

"Like you don't belong."

Kate took another scoop of ice cream, "I'm a siren, Bella."

"What if you weren't?"

"Then I'd be a normal high school girl panicking about going into her senior year."

"What if you wanted to be more?"

Bella gave her sister a look and Kate felt her heart sink for a second. She knew where this conversation was going and she didn't want to have that conversation again.

"Bella, we're not having this discussion. We're just now back on speaking terms," Kate rolled her eyes.

"Kate! I'm not the person I'm supposed to be. I'm not normal."

Kate walked up to her sister and put her hands on her arms, "Bella you are normal. That's what makes you special. You're normal when the rest of us aren't. What's wrong with a normal life? So you don't get to live forever with Edward, big deal! You get to live. You get to age, live and experience new things, grow old, and have a family. What's so wrong with that?"

"You don't get that! So why should I?" she countered.

"I didn't have a choice, Bella. You do, and you're choosing wrong. Besides my life will be in slow motion. I'll get to age slowly but I get to have that. I get to age, I get to grow old with Jacob eventually. We could eventually have kids of our own and you're contemplating giving up all of that."

"But I can't have Edward."

"This has nothing to do with Edward!"

"It has everything to do with him! I can't live without him, I won't!"

They had been shouting at this point and the silence that followed that statement was deafening. The two sisters looked at each other, each of them begging to see the other's side. But neither girl was backing down.

Kate turned from Bella angrily and stabbed the spoon she had been holding down into the ice cream. She brought her hands up and rubbed her temples with a huge sigh.

"We've set the date," Bella all but whispered.


"After the wedding."

Kate turned her head to the side, "What wedding."

Bella reached her hand into her pocket and pulled out a large ring and set it on her left ring finger. Kate stared at the ring as if it was the thing that was actually going to kill Bella in the end. Technically, it was.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?"

"About marrying Edward? No!"

Kate hit the carton of ice cream and sent it flying off the counter and onto the floor spilling ice cream everywhere. She had the sudden urge to hit her sister but she simply clenched her hands into fists at her side.

"Not about Edward, about become a bloodsucking vampire! You're going to die, Bella! This wedding will only be some way to seal the deal."

"This marriage would be happing if I was turning or not," Bella defended.

"Great! Get married, just don't turn."

"I have to. I want to."

"Bella, marry Edward, go through the whole nine yards. Hell I'll even start writing the invitations and tying tulle bows, but please, I'm begging you, don't turn. Don't do this to me," she pleaded with her sister.

"You're the one doing this. You're the one who won't accept it."

"Because I don't want my sister to die!"

"I'll be alive, sort of."

Kate scoffed, "As a vampire, hunting, and feeding off of innocent humans until you can control yourself."

Bella scowled and brushed past Kate heading for the front door just as Charlie had not minutes ago. Once she reached for the door, she paused for a moment before turning back to Kate.

"If you can't support my decision....then... don't bother coming to the wedding," Bella told her.

With one last look at her sister, Bella opened the door and walked through it, slamming it behind her. Kate stared at the door Bella just walked out of not knowing what to say or do.

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