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A/N: Last chapter of fluff for the book before the drama and angst starts to go down. You're welcome.

Kate was the last one to arrive to Emily's house that afternoon for a battle plan meeting. The rest of the pack had been patrolling and met up there leaving Kate to arrive late as usual. She walked up the front steps to the house and could hear the boys arguing on the inside of the door. Taking a deep breath, she pushed it open to find that she was right. Embry, Sam, and Paul were standing by the counter almost yelling at each other while Jacob, Quil, Jared, and Seth were arguing at the table. Leah stood over in the corner by the stares just observing everyone with an almost bored expression on her face. Kate spotted Emily in the kitchen sipping on a cup of tea and went to stand next to her.

"They're like a bunch of animals with the way they behave." Emily told her when she walked up.

Kate poured herself a cup of tea as well, "How long have they been at it?"

Emily scowled, "About ten minutes."

"What did I miss?"

She sighed, "Well Sam was up half the night last night trying to figure out a game plan. When he told them, you can guess what happened, they all got pissed off. I thought they were going to phase right here in the living room. Of course, no one is happy. I think Seth is most upset though."

"Yeah, but he's a kid."

"You're a kid, Kate."

"I'm a kid who vampires want dead."


They sat there and drank their tea while the boys still argued. Seth was on his feet now baring his teeth at Jared and Jacob.

"Leah's okay with all of this?"

"She doesn't want to see her brother hurt. Having him out of the way has made her happy. She's got nothing to complain about. She's going to just do as Sam tells her to do," Emily explained looking down at her cup.

Kate put a hand on her shoulder, "You're family. You'll work it out."

"Will you and Bella?"

"Maybe one day. If we don't all die first."

Emily placed a hand over Kate's, "You'll always have a family with us, here, with me."

Kate didn't know what to say. She knew that she was considered part of the pack but Emily's words meant more to her than she knew. She tried to hold back tears by blinking rapidly so many times. She even tried to express her thoughts but couldn't and promptly shut her mouth to take another sip of her drink.

"Alright, every one shut up!" Sam bellowed.

The whole room fell silent under the command from his Alpha voice.

"Everyone is going to do as their told so stop whining. I gave each of you your position so that we don't all die. We can't forgot, our main priority is to kill vampires and protect Kate," Sam said.

At the mention of her name, the whole pack looked around Sam at where she and Emily were standing. She gave them a small wave wanting for them to be looking anywhere other than at her.

"Now Seth, you're switching off with Jacob in the morning. You're sitting this one out kid." At this, Seth's head hung and Kate was sure he was cussing out Sam in his head.

"Now is every one clear on what to do?"

The rest of the pack nodded their heads un understanding.

"Good, now go get some rest. Jacob, you need to go soon."

The pack stood up and started dispersing. Jacob got out of a chair and walked over to Kate who looked at him in confusion. He nodded his head outside and the two of them walked to the porch. Kate leaned against the railing and looked at Jacob while he looked off into the forest in the direction of the clearing where the battle was to take place.

"What does Sam mean when he said you need to go?"

Jacob sighed and took her hands in his, "New plan. I'm staying with Bella tonight. Sam wants me there tonight incase any of the vampires try anything. I'm switching off with Seth in the morning. He's sitting this one out."

Kate nodded, "That makes more sense."

Jacob looked at her strangely, "You're not mad I won't be here?"

She frowned, "No? Why would I be? Bella trusts you and we need someone with her. It makes sense that it would be you. Besides, if Edward tries anything, you're the one most likely to kill him."

Jacob laughed before falling silent once more, "What are your plans tomorrow night?"

"Besides killing vampires? Nothing. Why?"

"I'm taking you on a date.

"A date, where?" she asked with a huge smile on her face.

He smirked, "I was thinking Canada."


"Yeah, it's not like border patrol is going to stop a giant wolf."

The two of them just looked at each other for a moment before they burst out laughing. Once they started, they couldn't stop and soon they were doubled over at the ridiculousness of the idea.

"Children," Sam's voice came from behind them. He had just exited the house and stood in the doorway with a small smile on his face as well.

"Jacob, you need to go. We're not going to be the ones who won't hold up our end of a bargain," Sam told Jacob who nodded in response.

"You better go," she whispered to him, "You've got to go be the hero."

He rolled his eyes and brought her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head and whispered into her hair, "Be careful tomorrow."

"You too."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Jacob let go of her and looked over to Sam.

"Don't worry, Jacob. We'll protect her until you get there tomorrow. We won't let anything happen to her, I promise," Sam assured him walking over to Kate and putting an arm around her shoulders.

Jacob nodded in response and looked at the trees, "Well I'll see you two tomorrow."

He took off running into the forrest without looking back at the two of them standing there.

"He'll be alright," Sam assured her.

Kate nodded her head and walked inside to find that Emily and Paul as the only ones left sitting in the kitchen talking to one another. Emily looked up at her and seeing the near distressed look on her face, she walked over to Kate and wrapped her arms around her.

"I understand what you're feeling. I feel the same way every time Sam walks out that door," she told the younger girl.

Paul being Paul shouted to her from the kitchen with a face full of food, "Don't worry, Princess. If Jacob dies tomorrow, I'll marry you."

If anyone else had said this, Kate would have been upset at the idea of Jacob dying. Instead, Kate started smiling. She knew that he was only trying to make her feel better but apparently Sam and Emily didn't. Sam even went so far as to walk over to the boy and smack him on the top of the head. Emily's arms tightened around the girl until she realized that Kate was laughing. Sam and Emily looked at Kate like she had lost her mind while Paul and Kate just started laughing.

"Thanks, Paul. That's sweet in a very gross way."


Emily started scowling, "You know, Paul, one day some girl is going to come and knock you on your ass."

Paul shrugged, "Nah, I'll forever be a lone wolf."

He started to imitate his howl and the rest of the people in the room started laughing. Even Sam let out a sharp, bark of a laugh.

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