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A little over twenty-four hours after the ceasefire had been called Kate was sitting down waiting for the training between the werewolves and vampires to start. She sat in the dirt watching Emmett and Jasper go at it like children until Emmett would be satisfied. Which would be never.

She had gotten to the clearing very early so that she could at least watch the sunrise without the prattling of her sister about how worried she was everyone was going to die. Despite how many times Kate assured her that no one on their side was going to die.

Rosalie came and sat down next to her and watched the sun rise through the trees. Neither girl said anything so Kate lifted her coffee mug to her lips and drank instead. After a while of sitting like statues, Rosalie shifted to face the brunette.

"You know nothing is going to happen to you," she muttered.

Kate took another sip of her drink, "Why? You afraid you're going to lose your only friend?"

A slight look of surprise came over Rosalie's face, "We're friends?"

If Kate was being honest with herself she wasn't really mad at any of the Cullens anymore. Well, other than Edward and Alice. Edward for abandoning her sister and Alice for just being a bitch in general. The truth was she was just angry that they had all left her. She had considered them friends but they simply left. Then there was the small fact that they had all voted her sisters mortality away. Rosalie was a special case, they generally hated the same things and that brought the two of them together but she also voted against Bella turning. They wouldn't be braiding each other's hair anytime soon but they could at least admit that they didn't hate each other.

"Got any other friends?" Kate smirked.


"Well there you go. It might be nice to talk to someone other than your family."

They sat in silence for a while more as Emmett came soaring over their heads and crashed into a tree behind them. Soon enough, Edward pulled up in Emmett's Jeep with Bella inside. They slowly walked over to the rest of the group.

Kate stood up and strolled over to Bella, "You look ready for training."

Bella looked at her bewildered but Edward rolled his eyes. She didn't want to see it but if she tried hard enough she could possibly see that Edward's lip twitched a little at the corner into what seemed to be trying to make a smile.

Just then the wolves topped a nearby hill and observed everyone below them. While the rest of the Cullens looked amazed at the size of the pack, Kate merely smirked at each of them especially Leah who snorted.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward told the group.

"They came," Carlisle smiled, "That's what matters. Will you translate?"

Carlisle approached the wolves with Edward by his side. Kate moved to stand next to Rosalie and Emmett who looked at her with a big smile on his face causing her to roll her eyes but smile slightly as well.

"Welcome, " Carlisle addressed the wolves, "Jasper has experience with newborns and can teach us how to defeat them."

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us," Edward told Carlisle.

Carlisle turned to them, "They're a great deal stronger than us. Their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in their first few months of this life."

Carlisle nodded to Jasper who stepped forward and took over.

"Carlisle is right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army but no human army can stand against them."

Kate looked at Jasper in a whole new light. His demeanor had changed to one that commanded the attention in the clearing. The way he spoke about this was with authority but also with a sense of pain. Kate couldn't imagine the things that he had gone through to get his knowledge.

"Now the two most important things to remember are: First, never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. Second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that....and you will lose."

Jasper called Emmett forward who was anxious for another go as if he hadn't gotten his ass beaten eight times before.

"Don't hold back," Jasper challenged.

Emmett grinned, "Not in my nature."

With that, Emmett charged at Jasper. Kate could see what was going to happen before it even did. Emmett grabbed Jasper about the waist and threw him into the air a good twenty yards away. Jasper got up and retaliated by blocking a punch by Emmett and throwing him deep into the dirt.

"Never lose focus," he smirked at his brother.

Edward and Carlisle where up next and quickly charged each other. Carlisle slid under Edward then grappled with him until Edward threw him down. Edward stood up and looked at Bella for her approval. Jasper walked by with a smirk.

"One more thing," Jasper said. As he said this, Carlisle got up and tackled Edward. "Never turn your back on your enemy."

Jasper turned to Kate and Rosalie with a smile, "Ladies?"

Rosalie and Kate looked at each other before shrugging and getting into place. From behind her, Kate could hear Jacob growl but she waved him off and got ready to fight.

Kate and Rosalie rushed at each other at their inhuman speed. Rosalie was faster and got to Kate first clamping her fist around Kate's throat who blasted the blonde off of her. Rosalie came at her again swinging. Kate dodged each and every one of her hits. Before flinging her into the ground with her powers. She started to laugh but was cut off when Rosalie collided with her and sent her flying through the air. Kate ran back at her dodging her arms to land a solid kick to her sternum causing Rosalie to drop before using her powers to light the clearing blue and blast Rosalie back who stood up wincing and glaring at her new friend.

Jasper called for them to stop and they went over to stand by Emmett as soon as they stood still Rosalie punch her in the arm causing Kate to drop to her knees in pain laughing as she stood up. Emmett's booming laugh echoed throughout the clearing and some of the wolves started to cough their wolf laugh. Although, Kate could hear a faint growl that she knew came from Jacob.

After training had concluded, Kate walked over to the wolves who were preparing to leave. Paul bowed his head in question and Kate knew the answer.

"Go on Paul, I'll drive over."

Paul's head turned to Jacob talking to Bella and he rolled his eyes.

"He'll get over whatever it is."

Paul snorted and then turned to run off after the pack toward the reservation. Jacob walked over to Kate and gave her a look that said "Be safe" before he too ran off.

Kate walked back to where her car was and threw her hands up in the air at the sheer insanity that is her life.

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