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It had been five days of uneasiness in Forks for Kate. She and Jacob still hadn't discussed the fact that Jacob was now sleeping right next door to a vampire but it amused Kate all the same. The wolves had taken over for a few days and when she saw them again when she went to the reservation she was privy to the crude jokes they were making about Kate and Jacob.

She was interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door and without waiting for her to answer it, it swung wide open revealing a grinning Jacob. He walked over to Kate and shut her laptop for her.


Ignoring her but still grinning, Jacob picked Kate up off her bed and carried her over his shoulder down the stairs.

"Dad, Jacob's abducting me!" she cried out for Charlie to hear.

Charlie didn't so much as turn his head from the TV but called out to her, "Tell Billy I say the game is on this weekend."

"Will do, Charlie! Will you stop squirming, I have a surprise for you," Jacob told her as she carried her outside. He set her down on the wet lawn and covered her eyes. "Are you ready?"

"Jacob, you know I hate surprises. Normally in my life surprises are bad."

"Not this one. I promise."

"Can I see it yet," she asked impatiently.

She could feel Jacob chuckle behind her before taking his hands off of her eyes. She looked around in confusion for a second before she spotted it and gasped. Sitting in her driveway was the car that started it all. Jacob's Rabbit that they had been working on for a year was finished.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you finished it!" she squealed running to the car to touch it.

Jacob's laugh boomed over the trees as he followed her, "You've been busy these last couple days babysitting your sister so I thought I'd surprise you. You did most of the work so it's your baby."

Kate was running her hands along the hood before she popped it open, "Please nothing can replace my Jeep... it's amazing Jacob. Can we take a ride?"

Jacob smiled, "Anywhere you want to go but tonight we're going to a party."

Kate jumped with excitement and ran to the passenger seat. Jacob continued to laugh at her childlike excitement and got into the drivers seat.

"Where to?" he asked her revving the engine as it roared to life.

Kate bounced in her seat, "Anywhere, Jacob. Just drive!"

As they pulled out of the driveway and onto the street the only thing that could be heard over the engine was their laughter.


That night, the two of them escorted Bella to the reservation seeing as they were both still on babysitting duty.

"Are you guys sure it's okay for me to be here? It's not like I'm part of the pack?" Bella asked them. Kate was slightly irritated that this protection detail meant that Bella and Kate actually had to speak to each other some times. It was annoying to say the least considering neither sister had forgiven the other.

"Yeah, the council leaders said it was fine. See? My dad, Quil's grandpa, and Sue Clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died," Jacob explained.

Kate sighed, "God rest his soul."

"They thought it would be good for you to hear the histories since you're involved," Jacob continued.

"The histories? The tribe's histories? Aren't they secret?" Bella protested.

"We all have a role to play and you're a part of this. Plus it's the first time Kate, Seth, Leah, and Quil will hear them too. But you are the first outsider, ever. Well besides Kate."

Kate looked at him to see him smirking at her.

"You think you're funny, Black," she said jumping on his back laughing. Jacob laughed to and caught her easily.

Bella watched the two laugh together and saw with a pang in her heart at how natural they were together. They really did belong with each other. She was upset that Kate hadn't told her but now she understood. Imprinting was something special, something special that they had. She only saw the way they looked at each other with one other couple: Sam and Emily. But if anyone asked her, Jacob and Kate looked more perfect for each other than even Sam and Emily did.

"Kate!" Seth came running up to Jacob and Kate engulfing her in a hug when Jacob put her down.

"God, I've missed you. It's not the same when Sam yells at me to behave and stay home."

Kate messed up his hair, "Missed you too kid."

Seth frowned as he tried to fix it, "I'm only two years younger than you! Who are you calling kid?"

"That'd be you," Jacob smiled.

"I'll just give the burgers I saved for you to Paul, then," Seth countered.

"Bella," Kate told her, "This is Seth Clearwater. Seth, this is my lovely older sister Bella. He's the newest member of the pack"

Seth gave her a smug smile, "Newest, bestest, brightest..."

"And the slowest," Jacob said as he reached out to grab him and start wrestling with him. Kate smiled at the two of them and walked over to the bonfire leaving Bella to follow her like a lost puppy. Bella sat gently next to Emily feeling the most at ease there while Kate plopped herself down next to Paul and draped her legs over his.

"And where is my food?" she asked him as he stuffed his face.

Paul chuckled, "Get your own, Princess."

She reached over and grabbed the uneaten burger in his left hand and lifted it up to her mouth. Before she could take a bite of it however, Paul snatched it back from her and bit into it.

"Nice try."

"Come on, Paul I'm a growing girl I need my energy."

Paul smirked through the burger in his teeth, "To what, fuck Jacob later tonight?"

Kate was sure she went red in the face but was thanking the gods that it was dark. She simply rolled her eyes and leaned back against the log, "He wishes."

Paul laughed, "Yeah he does! You should hear some of the thoughts that go on in his head. They're almost as good as the night he vividly thought about how to rip the Cullens apart. God I can't wait to sink my teeth into the big one."

"I think he feels the same about you."

"But you won't let him do anything, will you, Princess."

"Keep hogging the food and I just might."

Paul laughed and ripped one of his burgers in half and gave it to her in a peace offering. She took it and munched on it gratefully. Jacob came and joined them sitting on the other side of Kate. She moved she she was curled into Jacob's side as Billy cleared his throat and began to tell their histories.

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