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"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning but we've always had magic in our blood," Billy began.

Kate looked around the group and she could feel everyone tense up at the start of Billy's words. No one looked more uncomfortable than Bella though Kate supposed that was because she was the true outsider in the group.

"We were great spirit warriors, shapeshifters who transform into the powerful wolf. It enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect the tribe. One day, our warriors came across a creature. It looked like a man but he was as hard as stone and cold as ice. Our warrior's teeth finally tore it apart, but only fire could completely destroy it. They lived in fear that the cold man was not alone. And they were right."

Her gaze shifted to the fire and it was almost like she could see the story that Billy was telling dancing in the flames. She remembered the first part of the tale from when Billy told her about the wolves but the details were all new to her. She couldn't help but frown at the thought of vampires slaughtering innocent people but then again, that's what most of them do.

"The cold woman took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. He fought the cold woman but he was losing. Taha Aki's third wife saw this and was no magical being but she had one special power... courage."

At this, Kate curled further into Jacob's side and his grip around her waist tightened slightly. She knew that if it came down to sacrificing herself to save Jacob's life, she would do it without hesitation or question.

"The third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold woman long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Another creature came to the village not long after this tragedy passed. He was strong and unlike any creature Taha Aki had known."

Kate sat up a little straighter as she listened to the words Billy was saying. She had never heard what the siren did for the tribe all of those years ago and she was ready to know.

"The man possessed a strange blue fire and promised the elder that no further danger would come to his tribe. Weeks passed with no further contact from the man until one day he returned. The man had slain all cold men near the tribe to protect what was left of them and to keep the pale faces ignorant to the dangers of the cold men. In his gratitude, Taha Aki offered the strange man a place with the tribe. Since then, our tribe has always had a place for sirens among them to protect humans.

"Over time, our enemies have disappeared, but one remains: The Cold Ones."

Kate looked over at her sister who looked down at her feet. Bella was seriously out of place in the group but even still, Kate couldn't find it in her to comfort her sister. She had made her choice and now she had to live with the consequences of her actions no matter how upset it made her.

"Our magic awakens when they're near and we sense it now. We feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming and we must all be ready. All of us."

They all sat in silence as Billy finished his tale. None of them knew what to say. Those who had heard the tales before looked to the ones who hadn't as they sat there in stunned silence looking into the flames. Jacob ran his hand comfortingly on Kate's back as he sat quietly next to her waiting for her to process all of this information.

One by one they all left the light of the fire to go home. Jacob, Kate, and Bella were all silent as Jacob drove them back to their house. Kate still said nothing as she lay down in her bed. Jacob crawled in next to her but faced nothing but her back as she lay there.

"Kate? Talk to me," he whispered, "What are you thinking?"

Kate hesitated for a second before giving in and rolling over, "Do you really think something terrible is coming?"

Jacob's face twisted into a frown, "That's what you've been thinking about?" he asked reaching to play with her fingers.

"I'm serious, Jacob. Your dad's warning, the person in my room... something's coming I can feel it," Kate explained.

Jacob rolled his eyes, "This some new power I don't know about"

She sat up angry with him, "Jacob, I'm being serious right now. Think about it, since I moved here the Cullens managed to piss of a psycho vampire hell-bent on revenge and the Volturi. So don't you think that there is some real possibility that your dad wasn't joking about that."

He pulled her fuming form back down onto the bed next to him, "Whatever happens, I won't let anything happen to you."

Kate sighed and lay her head on his shoulder before muttering into his chest, "It's not me I'm worried about."

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