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A/N: Sorry for the writers block wait! And I'm also sorry for sad/stressed Kate and Jacob in this chapter. You guys wanted a scene with Kate and Jacob and you know me, I just had to add the angst but also cuteness

Kate sat at Jacob's desk with her pencil lazily drawing lines on a paper. She had no idea what she was drawing or if she was drawing anything, she was just enjoying the sound of the lead scratching over the paper. For some reason, focusing on that sound was much easier that focusing on what was going on inside of her head.

It was like the calm before the storm because the forests around Forks were too silent. Nothing seemed to move or at least that's what it looked like to Kate. The wolves and the vampires patrolled the woods waiting for the incoming army but even they felt the stillness of the forest. Kate felt helpless sitting and waiting. It was like this target was painted on her forehead and all she could do was wait for the the bullet to hit.

Jacob and the pack had still insisted that she stay on the reservation until the battle had finished. Surprisingly, Charlie had been okay with her being at Sue Clearwater's house, or that's what he thought. In reality, she bounced back and forth between Jacob's and Emily's houses. Lately, she preferred to be at Emily's to listen in to all of the reports and be a part of the action.

They had one more day.

According to Alice, they had one more day of stillness before all hell broke loose and the humans wouldn't even know about it. She tried to convince Charlie to go on a fishing trip but he wasn't taking the bait. She just wanted him out of town, away from the danger. Though, she supposed, here he would have two supernatural clans looking out for his safety. The plan actually was for Kate to run and get her dad out of town if the fight was turning against them. Kate didn't think that she was prepared for that.

Kate turned her head slightly when she heard footsteps coming down the hall to the bedroom and knew that it was Jacob coming back from speaking with the vampires. He opened the door quietly and leaned against the doorframe just watching her pencil trace back and forth across the page.

"What's got you doodling on the back of my old chemistry homework," he asked her.

Kate shrugged, "Nothing. Just thinking."

"About what?" 

Jacob moved across the room and sat down on his bed throwing on a sweatshirt before laying down with his hand covering his eyes from the light. Kate knew that he hadn't been sleeping since they got the news about an army a few days ago. Most nights he spent on patrol and the nights he was off, she knew he was watching her making sure that no bloodsuckers came after her. He really needed a break.

Kate didn't answer but pursed her lips and kept dragging her pencil around.

"What's up with you, Kate? Anything you want to talk about?"

Kate shoved her own thoughts and feelings to the back of her mind, "Nope. What happened today? Anything change?"

"You're not going to like it."

"I rarely do when it comes to them."

Jacob sighed and sat up, "Edward's not fighting."

"Wait, why?"

"Something about not being strong enough to be away from Bella, or something," he rolled his eyes.

She got up and went to sit next to Jacob on the bed, "Don't ever pull that shit with me. You got that?"

Jacob laughed and slung his arm around her shoulders before laying back down and pulling her down with him. Kate subconsciously snuggled into his chest feeling at home surrounded be all of his warmth.

"Never," he laughed kissing her forehead.

"Well, I'm also carrying Bella to her hiding spot. They want my 'wet dog' smell to cover her scent."

"Why does my sister have to complicate everything?"

"What do you mean," he asked.

"Our lives would be a whole lot easier if she just stayed home."

"Hey," he protested, "You wouldn't want to stay out of the action either."

Kate poked him in the chest, "But I can actually do something to help."


They lay there in silence for a while just enjoying each other's arms before they had to go to Emily's for one last battle plan session before morning.

"Anyway, tomorrow, one way or another it's going to end."

Kate didn't have a response and just twisted her hands slightly into his sweatshirt to hold onto him. Jacob noticed this and soothed out her hands for her.

"Come on, Kate. I love you. If there's anything you want to talk, I'm here," he whispered.

Kate closed her eyes and took in Jacob's scent trying to find a way out of actually talking about what was bothering her.

"You love me, huh?" she asked playfully.

She practically see Jacob's smile forming on his face without her even looking up. His arms tightened around her slightly.

"No," he said but she could hear him fighting around his smile.

Kate sat up and detangled herself from his arms to look at him laying next to her. She had been right, he was smiling.

"No seriously, very sweet and all..."

She laughed, "You love me. You can't take that back you know."

"I take it back."

"You can't! You love me!"

Jacob started laughing and tickling her sides, "I don't, you're dreaming it."

Kate started to sing, "You looooovveee me."

"Never said it."

"Whatever," she smiled down at him.

Before she could blink, Jacob had sat up and flipped them around so that she was laying beneath him and he was now looking down at her. What she thought was going to be a sweet and romantic moment turned out to be the total opposite. Jacob's fingers reached her side and he started to tickle her. She writhed and kicked out from under him but he didn't let up. With her powers, she stilled his hands. When she looked back up at him she saw one of the sweetest smiles that she had ever seen him give her.

"Katherine Swan, I love you."

Kate reached up and brought his lips gently down to hers. They kissed for a few seconds before she turned her head and whispered into his ear.

"I know."

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