Tears Come First ~ chapter 6

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Heyy Guys so I did get 5 votes on the last chapter so like I promised here is the next chapter!!

Also to clear up some things I thought I should tell you all what kind of doctors Tyler's parents are

Lisa - Obstetrician and Family Practitioner

Eric -Family Practitioner

If you guys get confuse about anything don't be scarred to ask me I promise I don't bite!

SO Enjoy reading! Now I'll upload when I get 10 votes!!

Comment and Fan as well!!!

(Sorry did not edit)


“Emma, please let me know what’s wrong I want to help.”

“What’s done is done and whatever we had here is gone.”

“You don’t get to make that choice, just talk to me.”

Tears fell from my eyes “You said I was your only type, if that’s true then how is Stacy your type too?”

This stopped him dead in his tracks “Wait how did you kn… you were the person she took to the bathroom.”

I couldn’t stand being here with him, so I took off running. I ran as far as I could. Then I had to stop because I felt like I was going to be sick. Just like I predicted I did throw up this was the 3rd day in a row, I hope I wasn’t coming down with something.

Then I became shaky and started to feel nauseous I sat down on the sidewalk to rest for a moment and ended up passing out.


All I could see was bright lights, was I dead?

“Emma?” A familiar voice questioned me.

Looking around at my surroundings I had no clue where I was “Mom is that you?”

No one answered. By now tears were coming from my eyes, “Mom where are you! Mom!” Still nothing I started to run to where I heard the voice but the farther I ran the quicker the light faded and darkness took over.

Trying to turn around and go back it became too late, the darkness had already taken over the light I just saw a few seconds ago. Just like it had on my life.

Beeping registered in my ears. The light was coming back; when it came all the way back I realized it was a hospital room. Oh shit it was a hospital, I’m dead, I’m deader than dead I’m a goner. I was starting to take the cords that were attacked to me off. Then I heard the door open and in walked Lisa.

“Hey Emma do you remember me? I’m Tyler’s mom.”

“Yes Ma’am but I need to go, and where and I?”

“You are at our clinic; Tyler saw you passed out on the sidewalk so he brought you to us, plus Emma I need to talk to you for a moment.” I nodded my head to signal her to continue.

“I ran some test on you to see what was causing you to faint, and I came across something that maybe a little shock, Emma I’m not sure how to tell you this but… your pregnant.”

What! No that’s impossible. This can’t be happening to me I must be dreaming I stared to pinch myself hoping to wake up from this dream. Pregnant I couldn’t be could I?

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