Chapter 3 - Augustus Gloop

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True to Grandpa's words the first winner of a golden ticket was fat. His name was Augustus Gloop from Dusseldorf Germany, the fat lump didn't even bother to wipe his face over for the TV. It was all smeared in chocolate.

"I am eating the Wonka bar and I taste something, that is not chocolate. . . or coconut. . . or walnut, or peanut butter. . . or nougat. . .or butter brittle, or caramel, or sprinkles. So I look and, I find the golden ticket."

"Augustus, how did you celebrate?" The reporter asked.

"I eat more candy" He replied before digging into another Wonka bar.

His mother began talking as the fat lump stuff his face "We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket. He eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him not to find one."

"Told you it'd be a porker" Grandpa George said.

"What a repulsive boy" Grandma Josephine shook her head.

"I know I love chocolate but he seriously didn't need to stuff his face" I said disapproval in my tone when I spoke.

"There are only four tickets left" Charlie said.

"Now that they've found one, things will get really crazy" Grandpa Joe said making me groan great more pushing, fighting and wanting to pull my hair out. I walked up to my room with Charlie on my heel.

"Evy?" Charlie piped up.

"Yeah bud"

"Do you really think I have a chance at getting one" Charlie asked sadly he really wanted to meet his idol, I sat down in front of him and made eye contact.

"Now you listen to me Charlie, you have as much chance as the other children in the world to find one" I replied honestly.

"Really" He says as his eyes brighten up with the new hope of finding a ticket.

"Of course baby bro" I give him a hug then kissed him on the forehead "now lets get to bed before mum comes up here and scowls at us" I said whiles giggling, Charlie smiled and got tucked into bed.

"Night sis" He yawned out.

"Night" I replied before closing my eyes hoping to get a good night sleep for tomorrow.

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