Chapter 1

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I am unable to finish this so just know before you read this that this story won't have an ending (see my RIP chapter for more information)

This story is in America and also my first chapter sucks but I promise it gets better

thank you and enjoy!

Louis' POV

The cool breeze that blew through the air reminded me why I brought a jacket. The breeze started to pick up and whip across my face. I don't like walking to school every day, but my mom thinks it's good exercise. My brown side-swept hair keeps blowing around my head and I know I'm going to have to fix it later. I hate it when my hair doesn't stay in place, but it's not like it's my fault. I throw my hands into my jeans' pockets and walk the rest of the way to school.

I still can't believe girls are wearing shorts in this weather. I know it's just because they want to show off their legs, but I don't see anything special about them. They are just legs after all. And guys still sag their pants because that's what the gangs do apparently. What happened to gangs in suits?

I don't get most of the guys at my school. All they seem to care about is who can hook up with the most girls and get the worst grades. I, on the other hand, am trying to get the best grades and have never kissed anyone. I don't get what is so special about swapping saliva with a girl.

As I enter the school's front door, I smell the usual overpowering smell of perfume and Axe. I see the usual baggy pants and tight shorts and know I'm at school. Here, I feel like a nobody. I only have one friend who really understands every aspect of who I am. Her name is Emma Walker. I've always felt like I could be myself around her. She gets that I want to do good in school and she gets that I don't want to kiss every girl I meet. She just gets it.

I walked into Chemistry class and sat in the seat that was assigned to me. The teacher roamed around the room while waiting for the bell to ring and students to arrive. I don't exactly have any friends in this class except my brother. The bell finally rings and I get situated. Mr. Mocabee shows us a video about chemistry safety.

It's been about five minutes since the bell had rung when my brother walks through the door. Mr. Mocabee catches a glance of him in the corner of his eye and says, "Late again, Noah?"

My brother knuckle punches one of his friends and sits down next to me. He gets out a pencil from his backpack and starts to write on the desk.

Noah and I are very different. I am responsible and reliable while he is stubborn and care-free. When my sister, Noah, and I got to high school, we all took different paths. I stayed the smart, logical person I was and continued to excel in school. My sister, Scarlet, took the popular girl route but still does pretty well in school. Noah is where things went wrong. He started to give in to peer pressure and hang out with the wrong kids. Whenever my family tries to talk to him about it, he shuts us out or yells at us. Our family was perfect until Noah screwed us up.

"Would you stop writing on the desk? The janitor cleans it off at the end of the day anyway." I whisper to him, but keep my eyes glued to the video. Noah looks up from his scribes and turns towards me. "Then I'll leave him a note." he says with a mischievous tone. I take my eyes off of the video and down to his desk. Sure enough, Noah left the janitor a rude note. Fuck you was written atop of the desk's wood. I roll my eyes at him, but he just laughs.


Walking home has never been my favorite thing either, but at least I have home as my destination instead of school. Walking by all the kids I have just spent seven hours with, the fact that it's cold, etc. Every day is the same old, same old, but honestly if something did change, I probably wouldn't like it. I'm not a big fan of change because I like to have a routine. Changing something in the routine is frustrating.

"Why do you like me?" Emma said as she nudged me with her shoulder.

"I don't know." I said with an uninterested tone to make sure it would bug her.

"Well you better start knowing! I know why I like you." she said as she batted her eyelashes.

"Ow!" I ran into someone causing me to fall onto the ground. The girl I ran into had a huge red stain on her white tank top and judging from her empty cup and shocked expression, it wasn't there 20 seconds ago. She then yelled in horror, completely ignoring the fact that she had knocked me over and I was now all scraped up.

"Whoa, are you okay?" Emma asked as she held her hand out to help me up. Emma was more worried about me than the stranger. Unlike the stranger, who was more worried about her $2 shirt. I nodded my head in response to Emma's question and took her offer on helping me up.

As I stood up I could feel that my knee got scraped a bit but I couldn't tell under my jeans. "Hey, look, I'm sorry about-" I was immediately cut off from my apology as someone picked me up from the collar of my shirt, quite roughly.

It was then that I noticed there were other people around the girl, including the guy holding my collar. He had a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans on. His arms had many tattoos, making him seem more intimidating other than his black attire. He began to push and hold onto me tighter and it was starting to hurt my neck.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Huh? That's my girlfriend you're pushing around!" He spat in my face and I could smell the alcohol off of his breath. I winced in pain as it started to feel like he was choking me. "Don't ever run into me again, bitch!" He brought up his hand in a fist in one quick movement and I thought I was going to pass out.

I closed my eyes tightly ready for the blow when people started to shout. Some of the guys behind the girl quickly started talking.

"Harry, don't." A guy with a band t-shirt said.

"Hey, man, he's not worth it." Another said.

The one that stood out to me the most was Emma's voice. She quickly started to try and pry the guy off of me as she was saying, "Hey! Harry is it?" she asked the man whose hands were around my neck and collar. He squinted his eyes at her in response. "Well, Harry, just back off okay? It was an accident. Just fuck off."

The guy gave her a glare that would have killed me, but Emma stood her ground and gave him a glare back. As he let go of me, he gave me a push and I could finally breathe again. He started to turn around and I felt a relief when his friends started to walk away too. Harry turned around and maturely spit on the ground aiming for my feet. The girl I had run into gave me the middle finger and they were all gone in 30 seconds.

"Are you okay?" Emma asked me in a panicked voice. She reached over and put her arm around my shoulder holding me close to her. I could tell she was worried about me, but I don't think there's a reason for her to be.

"Yeah, I just feel like I can't breathe."

"Why did he do that? It wasn't just your fault that you ran into his girlfriend. That's so messed up that people are that rude." Emma said.

"He was drunk." I stated as Emma lifted her head in confusion. "I could smell the alcohol off of him when he was choking me."

The mention of Harry choking me made me want to pass out. I've never been in any kind of physical danger like that before. Maybe when I was losing control of my bike, but not almost getting punched in the face.

"Don't speak about this to my mom okay? I don't want her to worry." Emma nodded her head in agreement to my plea.
We walked our separate ways to each of our houses, although my trip seemed a little longer today. I still felt like I couldn't breathe and my knee hurt every time I walked with that leg.


Hi! This is my first fanfic so hopefully you liked it :) I'm not going to use Eleanor or Louis' sibilings because some people don't like them in these stories. I just want to make everyone happy :) Please comment and tell me what you think <3
Also if you look at my Instagram, I'll have who the characters look like

thank you so much for reading and please vote!

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