Chapter 17

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Harry’s POV

“Hey man! Where have you been? I feel like I never see you anymore.” Liam slurs to me. It’s so pathetic that he’s been here for only half an hour and he’s already drunk.

“Well, I’m here now.” I tell him. I walk into my kitchen and people are everywhere. I wanted to get a party going and get drunk and just clear my head. I can’t deal with everything going on and I just need to get away. I get a beer from my fridge and head back to where Liam was.

“Yo, why’d you dump Addison?” Niall asks as he takes a shot of alcohol with Liam.

“Because she was with Zayn’s bitch on the side.” I bluntly state.

 “Real smooth, Styles.” Perrie butts in the conversation, no surprise there.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Liam asks Perrie sincerely, but starts laughing soon after. “I would have asked you guys to make out for all of us.”

Perrie punches his shoulder and says something about how he gets off too easily. I look down at my beer and I hadn’t realized that I’d already drank the whole damn thing. It’s too easy to get drunk when you’re with people who don’t actually give a shit about you. Louis does though. My mind seems to always be on Louis alert. Speaking of the twink, I haven’t spoken to him in a few days. Oh well, I’ll worry about him when I’m not about to get wasted. It’s easier that way.


I wake up the next morning and my head is buzzing and I can’t even comprehend anything. I look around for the time and it’s five o’clock. Fuck, I already missed my shift at the hospital. Whatever Julie can deal with the whiny ass people, I don’t care. I get up from my couch and it was definitely too fast because I end up on the floor two seconds later. I hate when I wake up so fast that my head gets dizzy. Which doesn’t help me right now considering it’s already dizzy enough by itself.

Getting up seems like the hardest thing to do when your head feels like a brick smashed into it. I fill up a glass with water and try to finish it so my head isn’t pounding as bad. Obviously hangovers suck but I rather have them, then not have gotten drunk at all.

I should really call Addison and Louis sometime. I need to see what’s been going on with everyone’s lives; I feel so behind and left out of things right now. I call Louis for the seventh time in the past few days and he still doesn’t answer. I’m worried. I shouldn’t be but I am. The last time I talked to him he was so nervous and he was having a problem at home that he wouldn’t tell me about. He would tell me if he was hurt right? I want to be able to be there for him, if he isn’t feeling 100 percent happy.

If I went over to his house, it would bring up annoying questions that I don’t want to answer so I don’t exactly want to go there. I should just go to Emma’s damn house to see what’s wrong, if I’m lucky he would even be there too.

I hop in my car and drive to her house for what seems like too many times. I ring the doorbell and she answers, only to slam it back in my face.

“What the fuck? Open the door!” I yell from the other side. She yanks the door open and comes out of her house.

“What do you want? I’m trying to eat dinner.” She growls.

“What’s wrong with Louis? He hasn’t answered any of my calls and I’m not going over to his house because his parents would question up a storm.” She laughs and I give her a confused look.

“Maybe he’s done with you. You know, doesn’t like you anymore. You should really take the hint.”

“He’s not done with me. Don’t be stupid.”

“That’s obviously the only thing wrong here because he answers my calls. How would you even know, anyway?”

“He just told me he loves me, so don’t be a bitch.” Her face goes pale and she seems to have lost her words for a moment.

“He did?” I nod. “And you said it back?” It’s my turn to pause.

“This is none of your god damn business, just tell me where he is.”

“He’s home, that’s all you need to know.”

“Just tell me what happened.” I patiently ask.

“Fine, god you’re annoying.  His brother fucked up again and they’re just having to deal with it, so just leave him alone for a while. He doesn’t need two fuck ups in his life.”

“I hope you’re referring to yourself.” I glare at her.

“Bye, Harry.” She leaves to go back in her house. I know I told myself not to, but I’m already on my way to see him. I need to know if he’s okay, that’s all that matters to me right now.


I'm really really sorry I haven't been updating in a while but here is a short update. Don't worry the next one will be longer I promise.  

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