Chapter 16

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Harry’s POV

“Are you nervous?” I ask him as I watch his leg bounce up and down. “Your leg is distracting me.” Louis stops moving his leg and looks out of the window while I drive. I put my hand on his knee to try and calm his nerves. “You don’t have to be nervous, Lou.”

“Oh, I’m not nervous.” He says quickly after me. “I’m just, I don’t know. I was just moving my leg I guess.”

“Oh, well good, because you shouldn’t be nervous around me.” Louis looks out of the window again and I can tell he’s really thinking about something. I want to be able to help him. He takes a deep breath and I already don’t like where this is going.

“Emma’s wrong.” He says.


“I know that I’m not as experienced as you guys, but we can make this work. She’s wrong about us. You and I balance each other out and I think that’s how it is going to work out for us. People always say opposites attract and I didn’t believe that until I met you.”

“Me too.” I say quietly. “Lou, who gives a fuck about what she thinks of us? She isn’t the one in the relationship.”

“She’s still my best friend, Harry.”

“Friends can be wrong.” I can’t help but think of Zayn. Zayn is wrong, I know he is. Sure, I liked him at one point, but it wasn’t how I like Louis. Zayn and Louis are so different from each other. The scared part of me started to think about the fact that it could have been Zayn. What if he spilled the drink on Perrie? What if Zayn was the guy that almost punched him? What if I wasn’t the one Louis liked? Zayn and I are so similar so it wouldn’t be hard for Louis to like Zayn. Fuck, they better stay away from each other. This is exactly what Zayn probably wants.

Louis’ phone rings, distracting me from my thoughts. He answers and his face instantly goes pale. I look at him worried, but he just stares back out of the window.

He hangs up the phone and says, “I’m really sorry, Harry, but I need to take a rain check.”

“What’s wrong? Who was it?”

“It was my mom. It’s okay, don’t worry about it, but please just take me home.”

“Is Emma up to this? Did she call your mom to bring you home?”

“Harry, of course not! This is just… a family issue.”


Louis’ POV

 “I’m sorry I couldn’t come.” I quietly apologize.

“Just means I get to see you again.” He tries to put on a smile, but fails. “Are you sure you can’t tell me what’s wrong?”

“It’s personal.” I don’t want him worrying about me.

“You’ll be okay, right?”

“Of course.” I lie. He sighs and puts a hand on my jaw while slowly leaning in. I get the courage from somewhere and close the space between us. Harry is startled for a second but quickly responds. I pull from the light kiss and stare into his bright green eyes. It’s ironic really. His arms are darkly inked, his clothes are dark, but his eyes are bright. That’s why it’s scary when his eyes go dark because this overwhelming eerie feeling comes off of him and everything just goes dark.

“I love you.” I blurt.

Harry sits back also taken by surprise as he blinks rapidly.

“I- I- I don’t know why I-” I close my eyes in defeat and immediately feel warm lips smashing against mine. I open my eyes and Harry continues to kiss me.

“I’m sorry I-” I start again but he quickly interrupts.

“Don’t say you’re sorry.” He looks into my eyes and then at my lips. He bites his lip as soon as he runs his hand down my body. I feel my jeans tighten and start to get worried.

“I have to go.” I say and peck his lips one last time. I push the car door open and get to the front door. I hear the car honk and it makes me jump and turn around.

“I’ll see you later, babe!” He calls out to me with his window rolled down. I blush at the name again and as I step inside I feel a crunch. I look down and there is shattered glass all over the floor. The curtains are torn, furniture turned over, and I hear a police siren getting closer and closer.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. School has gotten in the way, but it's spring break now so I'll update more. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote :)


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