Chapter 19

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Louis’ POV

“Are you sure you want us to go on vacation when your brother is in trouble?” My mom asked sitting on the leather couch with her new novel in her hands.

“Mom, Noah’s done this before and I know it puts a lot of stress on you and Dad. You two should just get away for a while and just take a break from everything here and enjoy yourselves.”

“It sounds tempting baby but I have work.”

“Work when you get back.” I can tell I sound desperate but that’s what I am.

“I’ll talk to your father but in the mean time please talk to your brother and try to fit some common sense into the boy.”

I leave the room on that note. She didn’t say no but she didn’t say yes and right now that’s the best I can get so I’m not going to push my luck. My parents leaving and my sister and brother not around, just me and Harry. His plan was brilliant and still is which is why I’m using it. All my parents have to do to make my relationship stronger is to go off and make theirs stronger. I hope his plan works because all I would love to do is be with Harry all day every day. Not implying that I want to move in with him but just as an expression and for irony.

I knock on Noah’s door and he opens it quickly after almost as if he knew I were behind the door in the first place. I sit on the end of his bed and he sits on the other side. I wait for him to talk first but minutes go by so I open my mouth.

“How are you?”

“Cut the crap Louis. You don’t care just ask what you need to, then get the hell out of my room.” Noah says.

“Hear me out, okay? You can’t just come into the house, drunk, with your friends and destroy it without thinking there will be major consequences. I don’t care if it was your birthday because that doesn’t mean anything. Why do you keep doing this? You know this kills Mom and Dad- Scarlet and me too. Speaking of Scarlet, why in the world would you slap her? Drunk or not, that isn’t okay!” I stare at him to make sure he’s getting everything I’m saying, but he isn’t looking back.

“Are you finished?” I don’t say anything. “Good now get out.” He pushes me out the door and I run into Scarlet.

“Oh sorry.” She says.

“Were you about to talk to Noah?”

“Yeah, but judging from the fact you just got kicked out of his room, it probably isn’t the smartest idea right now.”

“Yeah, it’s not.”

“C’mon Louis. I’m gonna take you somewhere to get your mind off things.”


I know this is a really really short update but I had'nt posted in a really long time and I just need to get back into the routine of things. The next chapter will be up a lot sooner but thank you for reading anyway. And thank you so much for almost 2000 reads! That's so many haha

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