Chapter 2

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Harry’s POV

Having to go to work is my least favorite part of my life. All I do there is see sick people and panicking doctors. I really need to remind myself to get a job that’s actually entertaining for me. Although, the pay is good, so I’ll stay for now.

Ring! Ring! “Hello, this is St. John’s Hospital. How can I help you?” I ask into the phone on the desk.

“Hello. My boyfriend just cut his finger and it looks really bad. Should I come in or should I just bandage it?” The woman on the other end is frantic and I can tell she wants to come in anyway.

“Come in to make sure he doesn’t need stitches.”

“Thank you.” She says then hangs up.

Just as I hang up the phone in its stand the front doors of the hospital open and a mom, dad, girl, and a guy walk in. As I study them the girl looks weak and I can tell she is the one they are here for. I suddenly realize that it was the guy I had almost taken a swing at yesterday. I agree that if I would have punched him then that would have been over board. I would never admit to that though.

As the family walked inside the guy’s eyes fell on me and he went stiff. I could tell that he recognized me. They all walked up to the desk next to mine. After a few minutes of the family explaining their situation to the secretary, they all walked off to one of the waiting rooms.  All, but one. The guy starts to walk off from his family and walk towards my desk? He hesitantly puts his hands on top of the desk to try and get comfortable.

“H-hey. I don’t know if you remember me, but my name is Louis and you and I had an… altercation yesterday.” His hands were shaking and I could tell he was nervous. I noticed that his hair was parted differently than yesterday and he looked like a mess. I liked his hair this way instead of how he wore it earlier. It gives him the ‘I don’t give a fuck’ look and I like that- not that I care.

“Yeah, and…” I pushed to see what he was trying to get me to say.

“Well why did you almost punch me? Was it necessary to choke me?” I could tell he was uncomfortable and usually that would make me feel comfortable, but something about this wasn’t right. I felt almost as if hurting his feelings would be bad and it didn’t give me a good feeling inside like it always had before.

“What’s your girlfriend here for?” I didn’t know how to answer his question, so I just wanted to change the subject.

“What?” He asked also forgetting the questions he had asked previously.

“Your girlfriend. What happened? Why is she here?”

“She’s not my girlfriend, she’s my sister. She’s just sick okay? Stay out of it.” He started getting defensive for some reason.

“Whatever. Hey, as my “apology” or whatever the fuck you’re here for, I’ll take you to a party with me tonight. Not as a date obviously, cause I’m not into that shit, but for your own good. Just have fun and get drunk, simple as that.”

“Absolutely not! I am never going to a party, let alone with a stranger. If I don’t like you, what makes you think I’ll like your friends?”

“All I’m saying is that your sweater vests aren’t going to get you anywhere in your social life and I’m just trying to help you out. Look, you’re gonna be waiting in here for a doctor for a while, then the actual check up. I get off in an hour so just wait and I’ll give you a ride there and back. You look like you could use some living up.”

“Thanks, but no thanks.” Louis says and then walks away from my desk.

What the fuck was that? What the fuck did I just do? Why the hell would I ask him to a party? A party that doesn’t even exist, for that matter. God, I’m getting fucked up. I need to stay away from him; he’s making me… different from myself.

Louis’ POV

After I told my family to leave and that Emma was meeting me here, I went to go find Harry. I had no idea what it was, but seeing someone with as many tattoos and such a different personality than I’m used to, was weird. But a weird change that I enjoyed.

I walked out from the waiting room and into the main lobby where Harry’s desk was located. He got up and was starting to pack his things. His arms’ muscles were moving under his inked skin and it was a sight that I could look at for hours.

“Hey Harry, don’t leave yet.” I call and see his head raise and his eyes come off as if he is confused.

“Louis? Um, you’re here for the party?” He seems nervous.

“No, I just um… I’m not sure why I’m here. Uh, my family went home.” Why did I tell him that?

“Oh, well I could give you a ride home?”

“Um, yeah, thanks.” You are getting into a stranger’s car, my subconscious adds. I know he’s a stranger and I feel weird for admitting this, but something about this man is intriguing.

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