Chapter 13

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Louis’ POV

“What the fuck Zayn?” A man walks in the living room and his appearance is just like Harry’s. He is covered in tattoos and is dressed in black. Although, he has stubble and black hair pulled into a quaff.

“What the hell are you doing in my house?” Harry yells at Zayn as he gets off the couch away from me.

“We really need to talk, okay? I’m not letting this go!” Zayn challenges Harry by taking a step towards him. Harry takes long deep breathes before he speaks.

“Louis, go into the other room.” He says as if he’s been defeated. I sigh and start to walk off.

“Oh no, why would he need to do that?” Zayn says with a smirk. His smirk isn’t like Harry’s at all though. Harry’s is full of lust, but Zayn’s is full of wickedness. Zayn holds his hand out to me and I hesitate to shake it, but eventually do. “I’m Zayn and you are?” I look over at Harry and his face is in his hands. Between both of their expressions, I’m getting worried.

“Uh, I-”

“Zayn!” Harry booms next to me and I jump.

“I’m just asking who he is. Why is that a problem?” Zayn lets go of my hand and takes another step towards Harry.

“He’s a friend!” A friend? I’m just a friend to him? Of course I am. Why would he want to be with some kid when he can go to a club and be with anyone he wants. A girl for that matter. I start to back away slowly as Harry speaks again. “Now if you want to talk let’s go, just leave him out of this.”

“Well it was a pleasure meeting you.” Zayn says to me. Both of them walk out of the house and I am left alone. This room is not the same as it was when I walked in. I walk around his house to keep myself busy and away from the argument outside.

I come across a closed door and I know I shouldn’t go in, but I have nothing better to do. I open it to find a bedroom I assume to be Harry’s. There is a bed is in the center of the room against the wall and a desk in the back of the room. I walk over to the desk and sit in the chair in front of it. My feet hit a folder and I pick it up to find a bunch of names. I look more closely and see that they are names and situations from the hospital. I set it on the top of the desk as I spot a long draw. I open the drawer and a faded blue notebook catches my eye. I pick it up and on the front is a gold plate with the word ‘emotions’ engraved into it. I turn it over to the back and ‘Harry Styles #4’ is written in sharpie in the bottom left corner. I flip through it and all I see is scribbles of handwriting.

“Louis?” I hear in the distance. I quickly put the journal back wear I found it and get up from the chair. With the door closed again, I walk through the hall and spot Harry in the kitchen.

“I’m right here.” I say coming into his view.

“Thank god. I thought you left.” He gives me a hug. “I’m sorry about him. You should’ve never met him.”

“Who is he?” I ask and look down at my feet.

“He’s a friend.”

“Speaking of friends, I guess I’m just one of them to you.” I walk around him to find the couch in the living room. I need to sit somewhere.

“What?” He turns to follow me. “No Louis, that’s not what I meant. He can’t know who you are. Wait, that’s not what I meant. I just mean that he can’t know you’re my boyfriend.” Harry sits down next to me.

“Friend, boyfriend… next thing I know, I’ll be your cousin. If you don’t want people knowing about us then why are we together?”

“Louis, that’s not fair. The only person that knows about us is Emma. You don’t want anyone else to know either. Look, I didn’t tell him because it’s kind of illegal- you being 17 and all. Not that you’re a guy. I promise.” I guess he’s right. That was a pretty bad comeback.

“And Noah, my brother.” I add.


“When you came by, my brother saw us in the driveway. We need to be more careful.”

“Shit! What if he tells your parents? If your parents know, they sure as hell won’t let me see you.”

“I don’t know…” I answer truthfully.

“Fuck! What are we supposed to do?”

“I think you should take me home.”

“What? Why?”

“Harry, it’s getting late and I really don’t want to get in trouble again.” Harry sighs and I rest my head on his shoulder. We both take a deep breath and rest for a little bit.

“You know what Lou? You need to get your parents to go on vacation so we can be together for more than an hour. When your parents leave, then you can come over here and I’ll make you meals and we can watch movies and fall asleep together. We can just be together, just me and you. Does that sound nice?” I turn my head in to his neck as I start to feel myself blush. I hum in response so I won’t have to break our contact.

“Okay, I’ll take you back now if you want.”

“No! Let’s watch a movie or talk or just do something.” I take my face out from his neck and I watch his small smile turn into a bigger one with a laugh.

“Why are you watching me?” He continues to laugh. I look up into his eyes and watch them stare back at me.

“Because you’re beautiful.” I say without thinking. Harry gets up and walks over to the television and puts a DVD in it.

He turns with a remote in hand and says, “Well I think you’re beautifuler.”

“That’s not a word!” I tease, but he just rolls his eyes.


“Babe?” I hear Harry say faintly. I flutter my eyes open with Harry lying on the sofa and me entangled with him. The movie still plays on the television, but I chose to listen to his heartbeat instead with my head on his chest. “I’m really sorry about Zayn. I hope that he doesn’t hurt us, hurt you.” Harry whispers, unknowing that I’ve listened, but I’m too tired to answer as I drift back to sleep.


Thank you for reading :)

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