Chapter 6

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Louis’ POV


To: Louis 

From: Harry

Do u wanna play 20 questions?

20 questions? Why would he want to play that with me? He’s probably just trying to get to know me because we literally know nothing about each other.

To: Harry 

From: Louis 

Okay. I’ll start- What are you doing?


To: Louis 

From: Harry 

Txting u.


To: Harry 

From: Louis 

That’s not what I meant. :( 


To: Louis 

From: Harry 

haha I’m working. Have u ever dated someone?

Why does he want to know that? What does knowing that mean to him? Is he trying to set me up with somebody? Is he trying to make fun of me? Should I lie?

To: Harry 

From: Louis 



To: Louis 

From: Harry

too bad. 


To: Harry 

From: Louis 



To: Louis 

From: Harry 

Thats a question ;) 


To: Harry 

From: Louis 

I don’t like to text. I prefer calling.

To: Louis 

From: Harry

So call.


Calling won’t hurt right? I mean, texting a stranger is way worse than calling. I go to his contact and click the ‘call’ button.



"So are you sticking with your question or…" I can tell he's proud of his sarcasm.

"Wait, what no. Can’t we just talk and get to know each other?" 

"Isn’t that what we’re already doing? I love his sarcasm, but hate it at the same time.


“So you jumped?” I questioned. 

"Of course I did. I didn’t want to get beat up." He says as if the answer was obvious. 

"I think you would be the one to beat them up. Your tattoos are pretty intimidating."

"Yeah well I didn’t get to wear them at seven years old." A girl talks in the background and I immediately tense. 

"Some people are starting to come in so I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow when you come in for your sister."

"Wait how did you know that?"

“I looked through some files.” he laughs. 

“You know, you still haven’t apologized.”  

“Oh I have. You just never took up my offer. Hey I gotta go now, but I’ll see you tomorrow, bye.”

The line goes dead and I lamely reply with a goodbye for closure.


Sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be long! Thank you for reading :)

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