Chapter 14

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Louis’ POV

“Where’s Noah?” I ask as I step into the kitchen.

“He went out with his friends for the whole day.” My mom simply states as she scrolls through her computer and sips from her coffee.

“You let him skip school? “ I raise a brow at her.

“It’s his birthday, Louis. I would let you take the day off as well, but yours is over winter break.”

“Ugh. I hate my birthday being on Christmas Eve.” I grab the supplies to make myself some cereal and pour the milk into the bowl filled with flakes.

“Yeah, okay. Anyway, here’s your phone.” She says as she slides over my black iPhone. “You know my rules and you are not to contact that inked freak.”

“He’s not a freak!”

“Don’t yell at me! Those are the rules and if you disobey them, I will take your phone for a longer period of time. Am I clear?” She asks, finally looking up from her computer.

“Yeah.” I say. She is clear, but I won’t necessarily follow her rules.


“So, you’re coming to my place to study right?” Emma asks as I walk to lunch with her.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’ll be okay.” We get in the lunch line to get our food. Kids pile into the lunch room as usual and fight each other over the best seats.

“So...” She starts to lower her voice like she is telling a secret. “How are you and Harry doing?”

“Good, why?”

“I’m your friend, just checking on your relationship.”

“Well it’s all good. I’m good, he’s good, we’re good.”

“So, have you had sex yet?”

“Of course not! I’m 17, Emma!” I gasp. She just shrugs and laughs. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

“Huh?” She asks with confusion.

“Especially when you laugh.”

“Oh, thank you.” She smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. She turns her head and I catch her blushing. No one ever tells her how amazing she is and I know it’s on my part too.

“You’re okay with me being… gay, right?” She turns back around and gives me a sympathetic look.
“Obviously. Louis, when I first met you, I could tell you weren’t attracted to girls. You don’t look or talk about them the same way the other guys do.”

“And you didn’t tell anyone?”

“Of course not. You didn’t even know!” She laughs.

Beep! Beep!

To: Louis

From: Harry

Are you ok?

Emma gets her lunch and leaves me with virtual Harry.

To: Harry

From: Louis

Yeah, why?


To: Louis

From: Harry

You haven’t seen Zayn?

To: Harry

From: Louis



I sit down next to Emma and Harry still doesn’t respond. He seemed nervous, but I don’t know for sure. This is why I like to call people instead. I can tell what emotions they’re feeling.

“So, why Harry?” She asks, then takes a bite out of her sandwich.

“I don’t know to be honest. It just kinda happened.” It really did just happen though. We had a unique first encounter, but we just fell for each other after that. I don’t really remember how it happened, but that’s okay with me.

“Do you think it’ll be long term?” She asks.

“I don’t know… again.” I laugh nervously. I hope it does, because I really like him. Harry is the first person I’ve ever liked. He makes me feel important and special. Do I make him feel the same way? I hope so. I really want it to work out between us. I don’t really know anything about relationships. I don’t know what long term is for him compared to me. I don’t care. I need to stop asking myself so many questions and just let everything happen.


Sorry for the bad filler chapter. I  haven't been writing because of school and all that. I promise I'll get to writing more soon! :)

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